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Harry was off to audition for Dunkirk and Y/n was left alone with the babies. Darcy had a small party for her birthday, which is what Y/n and Harry wanted. Both littles went down for a nap and Harry called Y/n, who was thankful to hear from him.

Y/N: Hello?

HARRY: Can you hear me? It's kinda loud here.

Y/N: Yeah I can hear you. What's going on? Did you get it?

HARRY: Ohhhh I got it alright but you're gonna be mad.

Y/n paused and stood still, waiting on what Harry had to say.

HARRY: I have to cut my hair.

Y/N: Oh damn baby it took you forever to grow that out! And I love it.

HARRY: Well I kinda already did it.

Y/n waited for Harry's picture to come through.

Y/N: Holy shit. You look...

HARRY: I know. Weird.

Y/N: Hot. Like...very hot.

HARRY: Really? I wasn't expecting that.

Y/N: When will you be home?

HARRY: Tonight I'm hoping probably after the kids are asleep.

Y/N: Okay. Isaiah is crying baby I have to go. I love you.

HARRY: I love you too I'll see you tonight

Y/n hung up and thought about Harry's hair cut. She'd have to get used to short hair on him. It would definitely be weird for her. Isaiah was screaming on the couch and Darcy was still asleep. "What's wrong, honey? You need a change? Hungry?" Y/n went to change Isaiah's diaper on the floor so she wouldn't leave Darcy and he needed it horribly. "There we go, my boy. Daddy will be home tonight so you will see him in the morning." Y/n put him in his swing  and she woke Darcy up. "Hi, beautiful. Are you hungry?" Darcy rubbed her eyes and reached for Y/n, cuddling her still sleepy. "Aw how I wish you didn't have to grow up. You're getting so so big." Y/n took Darcy to the kitchen and made her a snack. She cut up some bananas and blueberries and some juice and out them on a plate for Darcy. She was starting to use silverware so Y/n gave her ones that Anne got for her. "Here you go, love. After you eat would you like to play with mommy?" Darcy was eating and smiled big at Y/n. "Good. My gosh you look like daddy." Darcy looked a little sad and her eyes met Y/n's "Daddy?" Y/n puffed her lips out and wiped Darcy's chin. "He will be home soon. I promise. He's doing something pretty big right now and he had to change his hair. Do you remember daddy's hair? How long it is?" Darcy took a bite of banana but still made contact with Y/n. "Well he has short hair now. So instead of it being here, it's here." Y/n pointed to Darcy's shoulder to the top of her head. Darcy finished her snack and got down to play with her toys. Y/n turned on the tv and got on the couch, taking pictures of the babies.


Y/n put both babies to bed and relaxed on the couch until Harry came home. She could wait to see his haircut in person and hug him. She started to get sleepy and try to fight it, but couldn't. She woke up to someone kissing her cheeks and noticed a short hair Harry knelt next to her on the couch. "Hi." Y/n didn't talk but ran her fingers through his hair. "Do you like-." She tackled him with a hug and fell on the floor holding as tight as she could. "I'm going to guess you're happy to see me." Y/n hugged Harry longer, realizing how much she missed him. Y/n got up and so did Harry, and she hugged up again. "I'm so glad you're home. For how long, exactly?" Harry rubbed her back, wishing he could stay there for ever. "Two months. And then pre production starts. I figured between now and then I'd be in the studio and writing. Actually, I wrote some lyrics on the way home. Do you wanna hear?" Y/n nodded and Harry led her to the couch again and he put her on his lap. "Like I said it's just lyrics I'm not sure of a title or anything."

Open up your eyes, shut your mouth and see
That I'm still the only one who's been in love with me
I'm just happy getting you stuck in between my teeth
And there's nothing I can do about it
Broke a finger knocking on your bedroom door
I got splinters in my knuckles crawling across the floor
Couldn't you take home to mother in a skirt that short
But I think that's what I like about it
She's an angel
Only angel
She's an angel
My only angel

Y/n loved it, but she was confused on a few things. "Who is this about?" Harry rubbed the bottom of her back and smiled, dimple showing. "Who do you think, silly?" Y/n shrugged her shoulders. "I can't wait to start writing more. It'll be fun but awkward not having the boys. I actually talked to Liam earlier. He's doing good. He's starting his record soon. So is Niall and who knows about Louis. They all will get it. Y/n took Harry's phone and threw it on the couch. "They will for sure. Now, you never answered me. Who is this song about? Who are you writing it for?" Harry put on a cheeky smile but then got serious. He eyed Y/n from the top of her head and examined her whole face. "I don't know. Maybe the only girl I've ever and will ever love."

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