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The night for Harry and Y/n was remarkable and fun. Harry wanted to take her out for dinner before anything and then decided on a little cafe close to the hotel. "So remember how I mentioned about us going away so I can write the album? Well I have it planned. Just us, a few writers and a camera crew. That's all." Y/n was happy about it until she realized the last part. "A camera crew?! For what?" Y/n took a drink of her water and waited for Harry's answer. "A little documentary for a behind the scenes thing. Do you not want to be apart of it?" Y/n sighed and put her hand on her head. "It's not that I don't want to be apart of it I just wish you would have told me or talked about it with me before agreeing to do it." Y/n was getting mad and decided to get up. "I want to go back to the hotel. I suddenly don't have an appetite." Harry paid the bill and followed Y/n trying to hold her hand, but she didn't let him. After entering the hotel Harry grabbed her hand and sat her down. "Talk to me." Y/n sighed heavily at her husband. "Harry I love that you want to start your solo career. You know I love it. I just wish you would have talked to me before you agreed to have a camera crew follow us around while we are trying to enjoy ourselves and have time with you. I'm sorry I got pissed and stormed off but it took me by surprise. I know this isn't a vacation necessarily but it would still be time to spend together." Harry put his hands together and stared at the floor. "I know I threw it in your face and I'm sorry but this is something to get me on the map for a solo career. If it makes you feel better you guys won't be involved in it that much. I'll take eight hours or so a day to record, write or whatever and then spend the rest of the time with you and the littles. Maybe a little bit into our personal lives. We'd leave when I get back from Dunkirk and stay two months. I have a song written for it too. Well, kinda I have the start of it but I'll need help. I'm kinda having writers block. What you think? Harry started signing the lyrics to Y/n:

Just stop your crying
It's a sign of the times
Welcome to the final show
Hope you're wearing your best clothes
You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky
You look pretty good down here
But you ain't really good

Y/n clapped her hands and smiled. "That's so good. I remember you mentioning it a while ago. I can't wait to hear the rest of it." Harry blushed a little and put his phone away that had the lyrics. "Thank you, but I'm gonna need help with it. We have some producers lined up for when we get back from Jamaica. This is gonna be big, Y/n. Maybe I'll be bigger than One Direction." Y/n wasn't sure about that, but she didn't say anything to Harry, letting him have his moment. "We'll all I know is 4 days with you is not enough. I don't want you to go back." Harry picked at his finger nails and bit his lip. "I don't want to either but it's only a month and then we are off to have a little fun as a family. This movie is gonna be a big one. I've made some great friends too and when we go to the premiere I'll introduce you." Y/n got up and checked her phones time. "That sounds great but I'm gonna miss you. I feel like you're in the band again."


Y/n was leaving to go home in the next hour and Harry didn't want her to. "God I want you to stay. Shit isn't fair." Y/n followed the driver with Harry holding onto her hand. "I have to go and you know it. It'll be over soon and we will be leaving again. Think about us laying out in the sun and swimming." Harry looked up, catching an imagine in his head. "You in a bikini. Yep I'm okay now." Y/n jabbed Harry's side and grabbed hers to tickle her. When they got to the car he held her shoulder and kissed her. "I love you, and I'll see you in a month. In a bikini. Can't wait." Y/n mocked him and got in the car leaving Harry behind. She called her sister and let her know she was heading home, but it wouldn't be until late. When she walked through her door she sighed and went to her bedroom where Katie was with both babies. "Good lord Katie I thought you'd have them in their beds." She scoffed and looked at her sister. "Well hello to you too, Y/n. You're welcome for watching both of your kids for you." Y/n sighed and put her bags down. "Thank you so much Katie. I'm much tired and Harry told me we are going to Jamaica when he gets back so he can get some song writing and possibly recording done. With a camera crew. It was kinda brought into me all of a sudden so I'm still coming down from that." Katie and Y/n talked about the trip and she left, leaving Y/n alone. Isaiah woke up and crawled onto his mommy's lap. "Oh my goodness. Hi, my boy. How are you? Sleepy? Did you get a bath?" Isaiah was cuddling up to Y/n even closer and fell back asleep. She rocked him and rubbed Darcy's back to keep her asleep. "How are you almost 1 and 3? Good lord time needs to stop. Or at least slow down." Isaiah was snoring in Y/n's arms and she took him to his crib and put him down. "Goodnight, my sweet Angel boy. I love you so much." She grabbed the monitor and went to Darcy who was groggy but awake. "Hi, my love. Did you have fun with aunt Katie?" Darcy rubbed her eyes and wanted Y/n to hold her. She picked her up and took her to her own bedroom. "Do you want mommy to FaceTime daddy?" Darcy nodded her head yes and Y/n dialed Harry. He answered in the second ring. Did you make it home? Oh hi baby girl. What are you doing?" Darcy grabbed the phone and started crying, wanting Harry. "Baby daddy can't come home yet we have a little longer and then we will have all the time if the world. "Darcy, I love you baby. What did you do while mommy was gone?" Darcy still crying answered Harry. "Played swings. Ice cream. Daddy love." Harry started to get slightly teary eyed and smiled. "I love you too, Darcy Anne. Will you let mommy have the phone?" Y/n took the phone but Darcy screamed wanting Harry more. "Baby I have to talk to daddy and then you can tell him bye, okay?" Darcy wiped her own eyes and Y/n put her on the counter, leaning back on her chest. "I am home, just incase you didn't know. Isaiah is asleep in his crib and you can see Darcy. I'm going to give her a bath and then we're heading to bed." Harry propped his phone up and looked at his screen.  "Okay. Before you go I want to play you something. I wrote more of that song I showed you before you left." Harry pulled out the guitar he took with him and started playing and singing.

We don't talk enough
We should open up
Before it's all too much
Will we ever learn?
We've been here before
It's just what we know
Stop your crying, baby it's the Sign of The Times.

Y/n and Darcy clapped and Harry bowed to his girls. "That was great, baby. It sounds so good so far. I love you. We love you. I'm going to get little miss to bed and go to bed myself. I'm counting down the days. I love you."

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