This is the end

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Harry walked in his dressing room like a nervous puppy waiting to go on stage. Y/n and the babies were with him but he wasn't paying much attention, being way too nervous. He had on shiny gold pants and a black button up shirt. He was branching out a little from his One Direction attire and he loved it so far. The show was in thirty minutes and he was ready to go. He warmed up, drank plenty of water for his throat and made sure that everyone else was okay and ready to go. Mitch came into the doorway and Darcy along with Isaiah ran to him. "Hey, guys! Are you ready to watch a show? Ready to see your dad kick butt?" Both kids cheered and stood next to Mitch. "What ya need, Mitch? Everything okay?" Mitch looked at Harry and Y/n. "Yeah everything is fine just came in to see how you all are. Y/n you're looking wonderful as always." Y/n waved at Mitch and blushed, as she always did with compliments. "Do you think it will go okay? This is huge." Harry went over to pick up Isaiah and held him talking to Mitch. "It'll be okay. You've done hundreds of shows this is nothing different." Harry laughed and sat next to Y/n with the baby. "Nothing different? This is MY show not One Directions show. It's just MY name up there and not three or four others. MY music that people want to hear and I'm scared to death I'll say or do something that will piss them off and never want to hear from me again." Y/n could tell Harry was getting riled up from nerves and touched his arm. "Hey Mitch, do you care to take the kids for a moment? I wanna talk to Harry. Please." Mitch did just that and it left the couple alone. "Y/n I'm sorry but this is nerve wracking. I don't know how I'm gonna do this." Y/n looked at Harry with soft eyes and tried to calm him. "Listen. You have come so far. You can do this, Harry. You have your whole life and career ahead of you. This is one of thousands of shows. Hell it will end up being some kind of love of yours. Like "Love on Tour" or something later on. But remember I'm always always going to be there for you. I will never leave you nor take anything from you. Remember when we met? Now look at us. We have a family and each other. Your fans? They have you too and they know you can do this. You might have solo songs but you're still the Harry they know and love. You're still the Harry I know and love. Darcy and Isaiah have the best daddy in the entire world. They are so lucky they get to see you up there tonight and so on. How are you feeling?" Harry looked at Y/n with a mix of shock and admiration. "I'm okay. You know what to say to help me. God I love you. I'll always love you. Without you I'd have nothing. My life would be shit if it wasn't for meeting you that day. I'd never have you to two beautiful babies. I I'm okay. I'm fine it's just nerves. They should be getting ready to call me up." Harry leaned in and kissed Y/n to signify how much he loved her in that moment. "Mr. Styles you're on in 10." His heart skipped a beat but he was ready. "Let's do this." Y/n never let go of Harry's hand until he had to go get his microphone and guitar. Darcy and Isaiah ran into him and he hugged them tight and hoping they have fun. Y/n had a little tear in her eyes looking at him because she was so proud. It was unreal that this was the same boy she met just a few years ago with the band. "I love you. More than anything in this world." They kissed and he was off to the stage. Y/n and the babies found their seats up top and waited another ten minutes for the show to start. Harry's voice rang through the arena: "She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes...".


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