Oh god

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Y/n sat up looking stressed. "Tonight?! Why?" Harry sat next to her and leaned back on the bed again. "Management wants us there with Simon to go over last minute things for the show. We have to meet in the morning instead of later in the day. So we have to get the kids ready." Y/n looked at Isaiah I'm his bassinet. "Why don't we see if your mum and Robin can watch them for tonight since it's such short notice and when they come to the show we can trade off. They are both sleeping I'd hate to wake them." Harry looked at his phone and again at Y/n. "I suppose we could do that. I'll call mum to see if she will. They can stay here if they want." Harry called his mum and hung up, smiling. "Her and Robin are on their way now." Y/n looked at Isaiah and bit her lip. "I need to pump then so he will have enough milk." Y/n walked to the kitchen to get her pump and started, not getting a crazy amount. Thank goodness she had some frozen but to have some fresh would be ever better. Y/n started pumping and Harry packed some clothes for them to have while gone. "I'm sorry." Y/n stopped her machine and sighed. "What for?" Harry put his hair in a bun and looked at Y/n sternly. "For this. I didn't ask you if you wanted to go with me I just assumed. I'm sorry I wasn't thinking about what you might want and I was just thinking about leaving." Y/n put her pump away and filled her bags as she answered Harry. "I want to go with you because I know it's going to be highly emotional for you. They will be okay without us for a night. I do agree with you that you didn't think about what I want but what I want is to be with you. It's okay, I promise." Y/n put her shirt back on and hugged Harry, him squeezing her and didn't want her to get away from him. Anne and Robin arrived and stayed with the babies while Harry and Y/n packed and left. "I just pumped milk a little bit ago. There are two bottles good to go in the fridge and Darcy has her snacks in there too and her juice. She only like to drink out of her pink cup and-." Anne interrupted her with a laugh. "Love, I know trust me. I know you're in full mommy mode but they will be fine until tomorrow when we come." Y/n and Harry their home and got in the car to the hotel they would be at. "I miss them already." Y/n cuddled up to Harry and he rubbed her arm. "I know you do baby I'm sorry. It's not too late to turn around and get them." Y/n thought about it but declined. "No we're already in the car and they are in good hands. Plus we need a little time together. But...no sex I don't want to get pregnant again." Harry kissed her forehead and sighed at her last comment. "Yes ma'am. Would you like to get a late dinner?" Y/n played with Harry's wedding ring and laughed. "Oh duh. I'm starving can we go right after you talk with management and Simon?" Harry looked out the window and watched scenes go by. "Sure can. Meeting won't take longer than 20 minutes so when we get to the hotel go ahead and get dressed." Y/n looked out the window and fell asleep for a few minutes and Harry woke her up. She and Harry entered the hotel and Harry left for his meeting. She scrolled on her phone to see the stories of the last show and how the world is going survive once the boys split. It's going to be hard since they've seen each other everyday for the last five years, but Y/n knew they could do it. They all deserved to have their own careers. She changed into her clothes for dinner and waited for Harry to come back to the room. Time passed even more and Harry didn't come back. Two hours later and Harry entered the room drunk. "Harry what the fuck?" He looked at her and laughed. "Didn't know the meeting was going to be at a restaurant. But I got you food. Oh god.." He gave her the rest of his food but she threw it away. "You left me here for hours waiting for you to come back so we could have a night together. But guess what? You decided to go and get drunk while at said meeting. Well you can sleep alone tonight. I'll sleep with Lou and Lux." Harry stood in the hotel room without any emotion he was so wasted. He tried to move but his brain wasn't computing with his body and he didn't try to run after her. Y/n was so upset but she decided to not go to Lou's room. She didn't want to bother her so she took a walk. The hotel was huge and she put the address in her phone just incase she needed it. She started walking and not caring where she was going. After walking awhile she found a little cafe that was open 24 hours and walked in to get her some food. Harry tried calling her but she didn't answer. She wanted to be alone she was so aggravated. She ordered her things and sat down to wait for them. She noticed a few texts from Harry, him seeming to sober up more and more.

HARRY: Where r u

HARRY: Baby where you at

HARRY: I'm sorry where r you I'm worried

Y/n didn't answer and waited for another text from Harry. It was an hour later and she still sat there, not knowing what she wanted to do. Her phone rang and it was Harry, worried sick. "Where are you? Please don't scare me like that. I'm sorry I got drunk and didn't tell you but I didn't have a choice it was kinda forced and I wasn't able to have me phone please come back." Y/n wanted to forgive him so she went back to the hotel and met Harry at the door. Harry hugged her instantly and carried her in. "Why did you do that you scared the shit out of me." Y/n hugged him back and answered him. "I was pissed that you got drunk I went and had dinner by myself." Harry sighed and sat her on the bed with him and brushed her face with his fingers. "I'm sorry. It kinda just happened I wasn't planning on it. Tomorrow before the show I'm taking you out for lunch. Deal?" Y/n smiled at Harry, loving the idea. "Deal."

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