First day

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Y/n got up and Harry had already gone to the studio. She knew this wasn't a "vacation" but she really wanted it to be. Harry said they would have a lot of fun and he would only be in the studio for about five hours a day. Isaiah stirred a little but didn't wake up, neither did Darcy. She checked her phone and Harry messaged her about an hour ago telling her that he loved her and would call around noon. She closed her phone and walked outside and noticed her view. She could see a beach from her view and the water was really clear. She took in some fresh air and realized Isaiah's birthday was the next week. Her and Harry hadn't even talked about it. He would be one but she wanted to do something small. She heard crying and seen him reaching for her and she fed him. "Guess who has a birthday next week? You. My big boy who isn't a baby anymore. We're gonna have to stop breastfeeding soon because now you have teeth." Isaiah started smiling a little bit then went back to sleep, She kissed his perfect cheeks and put him back down. Y/n felt like a shower was needed and she left the door open to see her babies to do so. As soon as she stepped out her phone rang.

Y/n: Hello?

HARRY: I'm so bored.

Y/N: Why?

HARRY: We finished that song I told you about on the plane and we are working on recording it but I'm beyond bored. And hungry.

Y/N: Well I just got out of the shower so I can't help you there.

Harry's face got red. He didn't know a few people in the room and he was getting embarrassed. He got up to go to the restroom and talked to Y/n.

HARRY: Y/n don't tell me that you know how I get when you're naked and wet. Shit.

Y/N: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to I was just making conversation. But when will you be back? Three?"

HARRY: Yeah around there. Be ready I want to go out to dinner.

Y/N: How am I supposed to have these little gremlins ready and myself ready?

HARRY: Don't worry about that. Listen, baby I have to go I'll see you in a few I love you.

Y/N: I love you too.

Y/n hung up and looked at her self in the mirror. She decided to curl her hair and halfway through Darcy woke up and ran to the door. "Mommy." Y/n stopped doing her hair and picked Darcy up. "What is it my little bunny?" She pointed to the bathtub and Y/n knew what she wanted. "You want a bath? How about we go potty first like a big girl since you just got up." Darcy did just that and she's doing a lot better with her potty training. "Good girl. When mommy gets done with her hair she will start some water for you." Darcy tried to climb in the tub but she was still a little short. "Mommy!" Y/n turned around to Darcy who was starting to get upset that she couldn't get into the tub by herself. Darcy you know you can't get in by yourself. Give mommy a minute okay? Please do not do that again I don't want you to get hurt and get a booboo." Darcy sat next to the tub sniffling but was patient. "Where daddy?" Y/n was putting the finishing touches on her hair and looked at Darcy. "He's working, baby. He will be back soon and then we are going to go have some fun." Darcy smiled just like Harry and Y/n got her water ready. She loved bubbles and could play in them all night if she could. She might have Y/n's mouth but she had Harry's smile all the way down to the dimple. She splashed around and Y/n washed her curly brown hair. "I figure we could get bubby in here after you to get a bath. Would you want to help mommy?" Darcy agreed to but she also wanted to stay in the tub. "You don't move, okay? Can you talk to me while I go get him? I get scared I need you to tell me you're there." Darcy kept humming and talking to Y/n when she woke up Isaiah. He started to cry but Y/n picked him up and held him tight. "Shh shh. It's okay I know you're still sleepy baby." She rubbed his back and grabbed a diaper for him and returned to the bathroom. "Good job, Darcy. Thank you talking to me. I wasn't nearly as scared." Y/n undressed Isaiah and set him in the tub. He didn't love baths as much as Darcy but he still enjoyed them. "Here we go. Squeaky clean babies. Do yo want to get out yet?" Both didn't yet so Y/n started on her makeup in the bathroom. She didn't do a crazy amount, just eyeshadow eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss. "Pretty mommy!" Y/n smiled at her daughter, loving her. "Thank you, baby." Y/n got herself clothes on but waited to get the babies completely dressed. It was about 2:45 so Harry would be coming at any moment. "Mum mum." Isaiah was tired again and Y/n snuggled him until he drifted off to sleep. "Shh baby is sleeping. Would you like to nap too?" Darcy was full of energy so she declined and watched some cartoons instead. Time went by and Harry came through the door, tired as ever. "Daddy!" Darcy raced to Harry and he picked her up giving her kisses. "How's my girl? Did you get a bath you smell so good!" He put Darcy down and she continued her cartoons and Harry strutted over to Y/n. "Hi." He put his hands on her waist and kissed her. "Hi. I hope you don't mind I didn't dress them yet. Nor myself." Harry looked down and noticed Y/n wasn't wear a bra. "I noticed. Did Isaiah just get done eating?" Y/n realized what he was getting at and blushed. "A little bit ago. Now he's down for a nap." Harry nodded, trying to not get distracted. "We have one song almost done. In a few days I want you to come down and listen." Y/n was puzzled at Harry. "Okay but how am I going to do that with both kids?" Harry took a bottle of water and drank it almost all down. "My mum is flying in tomorrow morning. She knows we'd like to spend some time together so her and Robin are coming. And before you saying anything I didn't ask her she offered." Y/n was glad that Anne was coming to help her out. It would be hard with him gone. "So do you wanna get them ready with me? Get some early dinner and then relax?

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