House hunting

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Y/n and Harry rented a house in California so they could look for one to buy for Harry's time off and later ventures. Y/n's sister was flown out to watch the babies so they could look comfortably. "Darcy has snacks in this refrigerator and Isaiah has milk that I pumped next to it. I'm hoping we wont be gone long." Harry was holding Isaiah and gave him to Katie. "Bye, bud. Hopefully we will have a house soon." He kissed Darcy's head and Y/n did the same. The two left in their car to go to the first house. Harry was driving and Y/n in the passenger seat, staring out the window. "You look beautiful today." Y/n laughed and looked at Harry. "Me? I look like shit compared to you. As always." Harry didn't like that comment, and Y/n took it back. "I'm sorry it's just hard to look cute anymore. Especially being married to you since you look like a damn goddess all the time." Harry's hands got tighter on the wheel. "Y/n I don't know how many times I have to tell you this. You're beautiful. So fucking beautiful I don't know how to explain it. You had two babies with someone who loves you unconditionally. I don't care if you just crawled out of a sewer. I still love you." Y/n played with her hands, knowing she aggravated Harry a bit. She didn't look at him the rest of the ride, afraid he will get mad. Harry pulled up to a huge mansion style home and a man stood in front, patiently waiting. Harry got out and Y/n did as well, Harry holding out his hand to her. She took it and walked with him to the man. "Mr. and Mrs. Styles, wonderful to meet you. We have three beautiful homes for you to look at today. Are you ready?" Y/n and Harry followed the man inside the home. It opened with a large living room all in white. The living room was half the size of the house they have now. Off to the living room was a big kitchen and dining area. "If you notice through here there is a large island in the middle for cooking or whatever you'd like." Harry had his arm wrapped around Y/n's waist and he was feeling warm. The couple followed the realtor through the five bedroom home and took them out to the back where the pool was. Y/n really liked the house and so did Harry. They almost didn't want to look at another one. It was foolish to not look at more but this one spoke to them. It was completely empty so it would have to be completely furnished. "Do you care if we have about an hour alone to look through the house again? I'd like to look more into detail." The realtor gave them permission and said he'd be back in about an hour. Harry locked the door behind him and stood at the door for a moment. "Harry why did you do-". He picked her up and carried her to the kitchen and kissed her hard. "Why did I do what? Kick him out of our house so I can fuck you on this counter? Because I wanted to. That's exactly why." Y/n was shocked but excited, knowing the realtor could easily come back at any moment. Harry moved her hair off of her neck and kissed all the way down to her chest and back up again. "Take it off." Harry harshly whispered in Y/n's ear and she did what she was told. He felt her all over and wanted her more than anything. The clothes wasn't  off her ankles yet and he was inside of her, hard from the start. She screamed and he held her ankles next to his head. "Harry I said no sex!" Her eyes went lightly cross, loving it. Harry still pounding into her, yelled at her. "I know but I couldn't help it! You feel so good!" Y/n tried her best to not let it feel good but she couldn't help it. She let it happen and Harry felt pleasure take him over but before he could cum he pulled out and came all over her. "Shit. I needed that." Y/n got up and fixed herself before the realtor came back. "Well I'm glad you had fun. But now you're on a sex ban for two weeks." Harry's mouth opened wide, not wanting a ban. "Oh come on, baby you know you loved it." Harry reached around her and hugged her. "I did but I also didn't really want to until I got on birth control. I don't want another baby. Not yet, anyway." Harry pouted at the thought of a sex ban. He just needed some kind of release only Y/n could do. They both walked around the house, looking at it all. "You know this is only the first house but I love it a lot. Both babies will have their own bathroom when they are older and it seems like they are the same size." Following the kids rooms was the master. It had a huge balcony and a walk in closet. "This is beautiful. I love it. We will need a bigger bed." Harry was looking out the window, checking out the view. "Is this the house you want? Is it perfect?" Y/n shook her head yes and walked over to Harry. "It is. It's roomy, plenty of bedrooms and it's not big big." Harry rubbed her arms and made his decision. "Well then this is the one. I'll put an offer on it, okay?" Y/n got excited and jumped in Harry's arms. "Thank you thank you." She didn't know what to think but felt Harry's arm squeeze her tight, not wanting to let her down. The realtor came back and spoke to the couple. "Well what did you think?" Harry and Y/n looked at each other before Harry could say a word. "We will take it."

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