Sick boy

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Y/n had her anxiety ran up so high she almost couldn't see straight. Her baby was crying and there was nothing she could do about it. The nurses took Isaiah and left her and Harry in the dark. It took almost two hours for the nurses to get him settled and not crying. "Mr. and Mrs. Styles?" Harry and Y/n jumped up to greet the nurse. "Isaiah is having a lot of difficulties right now. How was he earlier today?" Harry answered the nurse, Y/n still trying to settle down. "He was fine. My mum had him all day while we went out. Nothing to eat or drink different. Nothing out of the ordinary. We came home and I noticed the rash and his fever." The nurse nodded and looked at the paperwork in her hands. "Has he been vomiting at all? Middle aches or wheezing?" Y/n answered the nurse finally, still scared. "No. Harry has asthma and so does Darcy, our daughter." Y/n tried to look at the paperwork but the nurse flipped it over. "Well I don't think this is asthmatic nor just the flu. We're going to to some tests in just a moment but you can both come back with me." Y/n followed with Harry close behind her and found Isiah laying in a crib with wires attached to him. The rash was all over his mouth and neck now and he was in pain. "Oh, Harry. Oh my god." Isaiah wanted Harry but he couldn't pick him up due to the wires and the rash. "I can't, buddy. These little cords are gonna make you feel better and you don't want daddy to make you sick." The doctor came in behind the worried parents to explain his concerns. "I believe Isaiah has Enterovirus. Almost like hand foot and mouth but worse. When I examined him he vomited twice and cried due to a raw throat. As for the rash and blisters that is another sign of the virus." Harry looked at the doctor with a worried look. "Is it contagious? Could our daughter get it?" The doctor looked at the chart and then at Harry. "It's possible. Just watch her and make sure to check her mouth and hands. Don't let her put her hands in her mouth. I want to keep him for about four days and see what we can do."
     Harry called his mum and let her know. They decided to take Darcy back with them to England so she wouldn't be exposed anymore as she was. The next day Harry got a call from Mitch and when he got off he wasn't very happy. "This is just fucking great. Round two here we go." Y/n and Harry walked out of Isaiah's room to talk because Harry was getting loud. "I have to leave. We have a press conference for Dunkirk tomorrow morning. I have to leave in a damn hour!" Harry kicked a stack of papers next to him and they went flying. "The same shit happened when Darcy was in the hospital. Why now? I feel like my baby never gets to see me enough as it is. Why the fuck can't I just have a normal like everyone else? With you and our two babies. But no I have to be HARRY STYLES." Harry started to get tears in his eyes and Y/n hated to see him like this. "Oh, baby shh. You know you always put a fine line between working and your personal life. You have no idea how proud Darcy especially is of you. Ever since she was old enough she'd try to wait on you to get home from a show or whatever was going on. Controlling work is hard and I'll never ever be mad at you for going for work. Sure, I might get aggravated but that happens. You're so excited about this movie, right?" Harry shook his head yes, starting to calm down. "Then don't worry about it. Everything gonna be fine. The doctor said this won't last long, and as we both know press conferences only take a few hours. You'll be back before Isaiah even notices." Harry has a tear fall down his face and he looked at Y/n. "Sometimes I don't think I deserve you. You know that? You're so perfect and considerate. My crazy lifestyle and me as a person. I love you." Harry picked Y/n up a tad and hugged her tight. "I love you too. Now you better get going your plane leaves in about forty five minutes. I'll see you tomorrow evening or something like that." Harry left and it was just Y/n and Isaiah. She was having flashbacks from the time with Darcy but if she could do it then she could do it now. Isaiah started crying and Y/n picked him up with all the wires and held him. "Did you just want mommy? You're already looking a little better. You have some color back to your face and the beautiful green eyes have a sparkle back. Your eyes match your daddy's. I think the only thing you got from me was your eyebrows. That's fine though because I have the handsomest baby boy in the entire world." Isaiah snuggled into Y/n's arms and was asleep before she knew it. It was annoying Harry had to leave but Dunkirk was so exciting for him he had to go. It comes out in less than a year so he needed to do some press with it. Y/n wondered what his next step was. The album was coming and so was Dunkirk. A tour? A live tour? She figured Harry had something up his sleeve and it seems like she always the last one to know. She loved it so much though. Y/n let Isiah back into his crib and checked on his rates. As far as she could tell everything looked good and she decided to get some sleep herself. What would she wake up to?

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