Breaking in

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Darcy ran into the new house and instantly went into her room. "Where bed?" Y/n stood at the door frame and smiled at her. "Daddy has to put it together in a moment, baby. Then we will go tomorrow and get decorations. What kind of room do you want?" Darcy tan around the room and yelled her answer. "Princess!" Y/n laughed at Darcy, loving the idea. "Princess? Do you want a castle?" Darcy threw her hands in the air and jumped. "Yes yes!" Y/n smiled at her first baby, now thinking about her birthday. "You know your second birthday is coming up next week. We're gonna make sure it's the best ever." Darcy ran to Y/n and hugged her legs, and Y/n picked her up and gave her kisses on her cheeks. "Y/n can you come here please?" Y/n walked in to Harry trying to feed Isaiah but he was screaming his head off. "What's wrong with him?" Harry tried again but he wouldn't take a the bottle. "I don't know I think he wants breast milk. From the source." Y/n put Darcy down and took the baby, starting to feed him. "Could you work on their beds, please? It's already four pm." Harry walked past Y/n and told Darcy to come with him so she could "help." The house was so big and Y/n walked around feeding the baby. "I love you sooo much. You're so handsome and look just like daddy. I think the only thing you got from me is your eyelashes." Y/n reached down and kissed his head, still eating. She pulled him off and burped him, making sure it was a good one. He belched and threw up all over her. "I was afraid of that.  I think we need a bath anyway. What do you think?" Y/n placed Isaiah on the bed and searched through the boxes of clothes for an outfit for him. She picked out a dark green outfit for the evening and got him undressed. She started the water and found his little tub and filled it to the right amount. "Mommy is going to get in with you. Is that okay?" She tickled his chest and he smiled at her and she kissed his nose. Y/n loved giving baths to her babies because it was a one on one time for her with them. She put Isaiah in the tub and then she got in, making sure she had everything before she sat down. She started wiping his body off and her phone went off. It was Harry, asking for something.

HARRY: Can you please come in here? I'm lost on this crib.

Y/N: Your son threw up all over himself and me so we are getting a bath. It'll be a minute.

HARRY: I wanna see.

Y/N: Noooo I'm giving him a good bath. We will come see you when were done.

HARRY: Oh alright.

Y/n made sure every inch of the baby was cleaned and she took him out, both of them in only a towel. She didn't put any clothes on yet but she carried him out in his outfit so she could find Harry. She put the baby, who was half asleep in his swing that was there in Darcy's room  and she looked up and she found Harry and Darcy putting her sheets on the mattress in  her crib. "Well, I guess you did figure it out." Harry finished the crib and started to turn around. "Yeah, we did. Didn't we D-." He shut up when he noticed Y/n standing in only a towel. "Mommy!" Darcy took Y/n's hand and let her to the crib and wanted in it. She put Darcy in her crib and she yawned. "I seep." Y/n leaned over the crib and the towel was barely hanging over her butt and Harry was watching her every move. "You can take a little nap since you had an exciting day but when you get up it'll be bath time. Okay?" Darcy gave Y/n a kiss and laid back down. Y/n put her stuffed animals in her crib and her pillow. Y/n walked out and Harry followed her, watching her walk in the towel. "How was your bath?" Harry was on her heels like a puppy and she turned around smiling. "It was good. But I was more focused on the baby." Harry touched the towels top and started to undo it. "We'll do you remember when I said we would be breaking in the new bed?" Y/n furrowed her brows at him. "I do, indeed." She turned to walk more towards the bedroom, Harry still following. "Well. The time has come." She stopped at the end of the bed and took her towel off. Harry growled at her. "You like what you see?" Harry came up behind her and grabbed her neck, knowing she liked it. "What do you think?" Harry moved Y/n's hair and kissed her neck, leaving hickies on her. He turned her around and touched her face lightly and and grabbed her neck. He pulled her close and kissed her hard, touching her body with his other hand. Y/n pulled away from Harry's hands and crawled on the bed. She sat on her knees completely naked, waiting for Harry to come to her. He undid his pants and and jumped on the bed with her. He entered her and she screamed in pleasure, her eyes rolling back into her head. Harry grunted and pulled out of her to put her on her knees. He entered her and pulled her hair, Y/n moaning constantly. "Fuck. Y/n. Fuck. Oh my shit." Y/n felt pleasure cover her like a blanket and she moaned loudly. "Harry. Remember don't cum in me. I don't want anymore babies." Harry nodded and leaned back, entering her over and over. His ling hair hanging on his shoulders and him becoming sweaty. He took his shirt off and rammed into her, making her scream. She felt constant pleasure and all at once she came onto Harry. He pulled out and got her in missionary, pushing into her again, making out in the process. Y/n bit Harry's collarbone and left marks on him. Harry went into overdrive and put Y/n into oblivion. He felt something and pulled out, cumming in his hands. "Ah. Fuck." Harry got off of Y/n and went into the bathroom to clean himself off. She put Harry shirt on and went to check on the babies. Both asleep thank goodness. She walked back into the bedroom and Harry was coming out of the bathroom, smiling at her. "Well you think we broke it in?"

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