Chapter 11: Burst of Anger

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Bulls is already back to his calm persona but still, his pulse is still fast as before. He walked in a quick pace out of the house.

"Guardian, let's go!" He exclaimed.

Thor ran towards him, "Bulls, where are we going now?"

Bulls turned around, "To Estuaria."

They took the same route earlier, the little valley, but something is wrong, like there are many eyes that are staring at them, Bulls and Thor could feel it.

Even if they could feel something, they continued to walk but with their senses heightened.

"Thor, be alert."

Thor nodded, "I know, you can feel that, too?"

Bulls nodded back as response.

"Guardian load your Pulse generators." Bulls said.

Guardian retracted his arms reforming it into blasters. "Locked and loaded, Sir."

Armed and ready, they calmly walk towards the gate. However, before they could reach the entrance gate of the junkyard, a group of men, armed with high caliber guns surrounded them.

"You must pay for your 'Entry tax' to us in the name of our great savior, Don Paquito or else, we will make you suffer." One of the armed men said.

Bulls stepped forward, "Who's this Don Paquito?" He asked.

The armed men pointed their guns to Bulls head, "You must not call his name without respect, you must call him-"

Thor suddenly punched the man out in the open, sending him crashing into the piles of rubber tires.

"I am sorry, but my position in the hierarchy is higher in comparison to your savior." He said followed by a smirk.

The armed men prepared to shoot, "How dare you insult the great savior?!" One of the spectators said.

Bulls stepped forward, "Move out of our way. I'm not in the mood to chitchat with you people." He frankly said.

"In the name of Don Paquito, Spectators, kill them!" The man exclaimed.

"Well, we have no choice..." He quickly clenched his fist.

"My apologies, for the upcoming pain." Thor spoke.


"Fire!" The Spectators randomly fired towards the direction of the three.

Bulls and Thor swiftly passed through the line of Spectators and gave each one of them a tender punch.

"Ten Pound Hammer."

"Thunder Smash."

All of them fell on the ground, all at the same time.

"Ggrrhhh!" One of the spectators is still conscious. "Almighty Savior, we need your help-" But Thor zapped him down.

"What are they and what do they want from us?" Thor asked.

Bulls scanned one of the spectators, "Their guns, their way advanced than any military grade weaponries. They're not just normal bandits, they're beyond that."

Thor lifted a man up and plucked the badge from his suit, "Looks like they are members of some kind of Gang, Group, or whatnot. Symbolized by this badge." He showed it to his friends. "It says, Spectators from Above."

"Spectators from Above? Never heard of that before. But as the name suggests, it seems like that they are looking at us, spectating from the sky." Bulls speculated. "Guardian, Buggy Radar."

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