Chapter 23: Forgive Me

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James went out of the cave to take a walk at the edge of the mouth of the lagoon.

After a few minutes, he reached the end of the lagoon from where a long sandbar lies. At the very end of it, his father was standing, looking up in the sky.

James approached his father and asked him, "Father. What are you doing here?"

"Admiring the beauty of the moon and waiting for the tide to rise," Geronimo said, facing his son and hugging him. "How about you, my son? You should be taking your rest, you fought a great fight for our tribe."

"I woke up and I can't go back to sleep. So I decided to take a stroll at the lagoon."

"Yesterday, when you came back to save me, I was worried. I knew I am about to die and thought you'll join me, too."

James looked down and rubbed his shell necklace.

"Son, what happened? How did you do such thing?"

"Father, I need to tell you something." James took the Heart of the Sea out of his shell necklace and shown it to his father.


James told his father everything, from the very first time he found the Heart, what happened before and after that, and thr events yesterday. Everything that involved the Heart, he admitted all of those.

Geronimo was completely shocked, almost cannot believe the words coming out of his son's mouth.

James can feel it, the fear, doubt, confusion, all of those feelings mixed up on his father's soul. He can't stop but apologies to him.

"Father, I am sor-"

"Son, you must the danger it possesses. You must throw it back into the ocean. That is not something mortals like us should possess."

"I respect you, Father, but I cannot throw this away. This is my responsibility."

"And it is my responsibility to keep my son away from danger!" Geronimo almost exclaimed. "Your mother wanted you to be safe, we want you tp be safe."

"But I am sure, if she's here with us, she will allow me to this." James frowned. "Father, the sea chose me, King Neptune chose, the Heart of the Sea chose me. I am no longer a kid, I know how to manage these sort of things."

Geronimo walked back, turned around and sighed, "You're my son, I don't want to lose you, too."

"Father, I am your son, you trained me to be the atlantian standing in front of you now. You know what I can and cannot do and if you believe that, you should also trust me." James said.

"I believe you and trusted you, son."

"Then allow me to handle this, please, Father. Let me protect the and protect the village against those humans who kept doing this to us." James pleaded.

"Not all humans are brutal. I believe that."

Geronimo tapped his son's shoulder, "All right. I know I cannot stop you from doing this. I'm going to let you be its protector not because I know you can protect it but because I trust you."

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