Chapter 63: The Human Who Will Save Asgard

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"Pearl of Ezra... Devil's Claws." Rocky stopped walking and breathed deeply. "This is it..." He whispered. "Goodbye, everyone."

Rocky swung his claws toward his neck.


Something stopped his claws from taking his own life.

"No..." A familiar voice spoke from behind him. "... you won't... you still have... to pay... for the things you did..."

"No... Hiro! You cannot... defeat him!" Thor bravely stood up, ignoring his injuries. "He is... way overpowered... for you!"

"You... little ninja!" Rocky exclaimed. "Don't interfere!"

"... Rocky!"

Thor pushed himself and ran towards Rocky and threw his strongest punch yet. "Iron Press..." he hardened his body and charged his fist with his strongest power. "Golden Thunder Iron Smash!"

Rocky took the hit and was sent crashing into the pillars.

"Recede, Hiro... this is a battle for grown-ups... return to your village... and ensure the safety of your people!" Thor ordered.

"I'm sorry, but I rather follow Bulls into the other realm than run away cowardly." Hiro proudly said.

Thor was about to say something when Rocky reappeared in front of him and kicked him away.

"Get lost... old trash." He spoke. "I have a small, little business with this little guy."

"Little... guy...?" Hiro asked. "Stop underestimating me."

"Now show it to me, the thing that you're boasting about." Rocky calmly spoke. "I'm in a hurry, so do it quickly."

"Aerojutsu..." Hiro pulled his broken katana and lowered his fighting stance.

Rocky braced himself and sighed, as he does not care anymore.

"Thunderstorm Wind Shear."

Hiro slashed continuously, imitating the winds blown by thunderstorms on a warm, damp day.

"Is that it?" Rocky stood up straight and yawned. "Finish it already!"

"I'm not yet done." Hiro exclaimed and turned back around to Rocky. "Whirlwind Cutter."

Rocky once again took the hit, but he is too tough for the blade to penetrate his skin.

"Cyclone's Eye."

"I'm no longer in the mood to entertain you, kid." Rocky lowered his stance and pulled his elbow back. "Hakyushu: Ten Pound Blast Hammer!"

Their attacks struck each other, but Hiro was the one sent flying backwards.

"That's useless... fighting... standing back again... if I were you, I will live on and come back once I grew stronger."

"I wasn't raised by your kind... I was raised by my raging grandfather... he trained me like a beast... day and night... snow or shine." Hiro stood back up and glared at Rocky. "I am a ninja and i am no longer a kid!"

Hiro raised his blade parallel to his shoulder and aimed it at Rocky's neck. He dashed towards his opponent and slashed its neck with his broken blade.

"Aerojutsu: Breeze of the North."

"That won't work." Rocky spoke.

"I know!" Hiro frankly answered.

"What? What is he up to? He knew that his attack won't work but he still performed it?" Thoughts clouded Rocky's mind, he does not want to fight anymore but he also wanted to see his opponent's downfall and failure.

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