Chapter 30: They Have Their Own Free Will!

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A flash of bright light filled the collapsing Inn, blinding anyone who witnessed it.

"Argghhhh! Where does that come from?!" Archie frustratedly exclaimed.

After the flash, drips of blood covered the floor. Forming pools of blood that was more than anyone could imagine.

"Finally, I got rid of that annoying bit–"

"I do not know what was happening in here." A voice spoke from behind him. "But after everthing that I just witnessed, I believe I have can conclude."

The man faced Archie and spoke, "Now, answer me, what is a woman to you..."


A heavy aura filled the whole inn, blowing Archie's fearlessness away from his trembling body.

Bulls smiled, "Now... you're... screwed."

Archie slowly turned around and saw a big man, carrying Jessica with his big, broad arms, who was still unconscious after the blinding flash. The man was bleeding after he took Archie's attack to protect her from it.

"How could you hurt a woman?!" The man madly exclaimed.

"Who are you?!"

"I am Thor Odinson, God of Thunder and Lightning, Prince of Asgard."

"I don't care who you are! All I want is to kill her!" Archie dashed towards him. "Glipman Jiujitsu..."

Thor carefully layed Jessica down the floor.

"Elbow Fangs!" He raised his elbows and front flipped towards Thor and pinned his elbows into his back.

Thor turned around and took the attack with his broad back.

"How could you-"

Thor turned around and glared at him.

"Those who disrespect women..."

Archie stepped back, trembling with fear.

"...I won't forgive them!"

Archie clenched his fist and dashed towards Thor.

"You... Shut up!"

Thor remained still and whispered, "Iron Press."

"Renegade Elbow Fangs!" Archie exclaimed as he repeat his previous attack but with more spinning power and repetitions.

Thor openly took the attack, allowing  Archie to strike, but something was wrong. Archie hopped away and stared at his opponent with a worried look.

"My Special attack can't even scratch him?!"

"You... cannot... do anything... to a... God." Bulls spoke from behind him.

"Shut up!"

Thor maintained his posture while protecting Jessica. "I would not let the people like you to hurt anyone."

"Good, I will let you savor every inch of my raging attacks!" He exclaimed. "Glipman Jiujitsu..."

Archie began to dash around the collapsing Inn. He becomes faster and faster in every stride. Until he produced two more illusions of himself, hiding his real self.

"Speed'o Malice!"

Thor observed his oppenent as it dashes back and forth, trying to lure him away from Jessica.

"That would not work. Your dirty tricks would never work as I can see its flaws."

"Just surrender and give that bitch to me!"

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