Chapter 75: Cressida is Free

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James and Hiro sneaked inside the cave, hiding through the shadows of the labyrinthine passage ways. It took them hours but they still cannot find Bulls.

"I can hear footsteps coming from almost anywhere." Hiro kneeled on the ground and placed his hand above the rugged floor.

"Now where should we go?" James asked Hiro.

"Silence, I cannot hear anything other than your annoying voice!" Hiro shouted back.

"Do you need to raise your voice?!" James shouted back. "I am just asking you!"

"I need if you're the one who's talking to me!" Hiro stood back up and held on his katana.

James and Hiro were about to fight once again when suddenly, a group of bunchlins saw them. They smashed their weapons on the ground repeatedly, alarming the other bunchlins about the intruders who entered their castle.

"You're too loud, moron!" The two of them shouted at each other's faces before they ran.

"Guards, get them!" A bunchlin with higher authority ordered. "They must be the ones who took down Eigor's group! Don't let them escape!"

"Yes, Commander!" The bunchlins exclaimed, rushing towards the intruders.

The two of them dashed through the twisting, uneven path, ignoring the fact that enemies may come out of nowhere and take them down. They knew they had no match against their numerous gigantic opponents. They just ran with all their mights.

"Run faster!" Hiro exclaimed at James. "Our friends might be inside and in need of our help."

"I am running at top speed!" James madly exclaimed back.

"I guess that's the limit of finless fishes."

Those words snapped James' patience, "Finless... fishes?" James stopped running and faced their pursuers. He pinned his trident on the floor and allowed the Heart of the Sea's aura to explode in all directions. "Agua..."

"The intruder stopped! This is our chance!"

"Take him!"

However, before they could reach him, they got pushed back by an intimidating aura.

James pulled his left arm back as it shines with the energy he began to accumulate. He pinned his right foot on the ground and pushed his left palm forward.


The bunchlins got sent flying back, smashing into the walls and floor and ceiling. All of them got pushed farther from them.

Hiro paused and looked bck at James, "Show off."

"Call me with those words again and I will turn you into dried fish." James walk passed Hiro, raising his hand for his trident."

"I don't care." He followed him and continued walking through the castle.

"You saying som-" James looked back at Hiro, but before he could finish his words, he got stunned by what he just saw. "Hiro..." He quickly kicked Hiro on the side of the wall.

"Snowflakes..." Hiro fell on his chest after smashing his back on the side of the wall. "You finles- JAMES!"

A huge boulder smashed James out of the walls of the castle. Rocks and debris were sent flying in all directions.

"That attack... you can never see and experience such powerful blow." A voice spoke, echoing from the direction from where the boulder came from. A silhouette of a huge creature began to walk towards them. "What took you here on the Imperial Castle of Gravatoria? Heart of the Sea!"

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