Chapter 54: Execution

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"... why do you have to do this...?"

"... This is a big misunderstanding, I know you are aware of it..."

"... but..."

"... why are still insisting to talk to him?"

Hiro began to overthink as they walk back to the Central Hall of the Village of Chicola. He clenched his fist and approached Bulls.

"I know what you are thinking." Bulls spoke before Hiro could even tap him.

"But... why?" Hiro asked.

"Because we need to pass through this country."

"But you know that he will definitely ki-"

"No, I won't die today. I am sure of that." Bulls said. "And I know that my friends won't let me down."

Hiro looked down the snowy path, nodding up and down.

"Don't worry to much." Bulls assured him, smiling like nothing bad is going to happen.


At the Central Hall of Chicola...

Bulls, Takamasu, and Hiro talked about the situation they are in.

"Now, what is your opinion?" Takamasu asked.

"Sir, this is not an opinion, what I'm going to tell you is the fact of why my team was here in your village."

"Ah okay, proceed."

"We are from a far away land and our objective is to reach the land of Ribora, and the only way to reach that land is to pass by here." Bulls explained.

"Why do you want to go to the land of Ribora?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you why."

"Why though?"

"Because the more people knew it, the more people will be in danger."

"In danger?!" Takamasu said.

"That's why I can't tell you."

"I made my decision." Takamasu stood up. "You will not pass the Land of Chicola because you will be executed to avoid the dangers your journey could bring to others!"

"But, Sir."

"You, Bulls from a far away land, will be executed by beheading!" Takamasu exclaimed. "And you, Ishikawa Takahiro, will be punished through beating a hundred times."

"Grandfather! That's cruelty! Too much cruelty! You don't even know what's the reason why he is going there." Hiro bowed on the floor, smashing his head. "Please, let them go."

"Ever since you encountered that thing, you've became this. THIS!" Went towards his grandson and pointed at him. "You never listened to me, to anyone!"

"What do you mean?" Hiro confusedly asked.

"Oh, I forgot. The same way as you forgot about us, after that disrespect you did to our culture."

"But cannot remember anything." Hiro slowly stood back up.

"That does not matter anymore. As long as you do not remember anything."

"Sir." Bulls stood up.

"My decision is final! Your execution will be held as soon as possible, in the middle of the village." Takamasu ordered. "Guards, get them!"

"Please, Sir. Punish me instead of your grandson, he did nothing wrong." Bulls pleaded.

"Get them!"

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