Chapter 57: Let the Games Begin!

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"Target Pulse!"

Guardian was being held on by Colton, stopping him from coming back and helping Bulls.

"You won't go anywhere!" Colton exclaimed.

"You are so annoying! My master needs me!" Guardian exclaimed back.

Colton grabbed his arm and threw him farther and farther away from the village.

"Let go of me!" Guardian outbursts and flew up in the air. He was about to completely escape when a binding chain caught him, causing him to smash onto the ground.

"No... coming back!" Colton said, pulling the chain back.

Guardian stood back up and removed the chains, faced Colton and retracted his thrusters back in.

"If you really want to... I'll fight you."

Colton grinned, "As if a rusty robot can defeat me."

"We'll see." Guardian clenched his metal fists and it transformed into a bigger, glove-like fists.

"I am no longer the weak, fearful and useless robot that is being a burden to my master." Guardian began to run towards his opponent. "I will fight and prove my strength, to protect my friends, to protect my master!" He pinned his right foot on the ground and pumped his engines faster.

"Demolition Aim!"

"Hakyushu..." Colton lowered his stance and aimed at Guardian. "Twenty Pound Twin Hammer!"

Guardian got hit in the face, sending his parts flying in all directions. The counterattack shook his wirings and caused his overall systems to malfunction. He fell on his knees and smashed his torso above the rocky mountain grounds.

"You don't have to prove yourself, you have already failed." Colton whispered as he calmly walk back to the village. "Scraps like you..." he picked up his chains and continued to walk. "Don't have to prove anything. People already threw you from the first place, that's why... you're already a scrap."

However, before he could take another step, Colton was stopped. A large, grappling hand grabbed him from behind.

"You... stop..." Guardian spoke, slowly pulling Colton back with his chain. "I'm... not... done... yet."

"You should give up!" Colton jumped in the air and back-flipped. "Hakyushu: Vertical Saw!"

Colton landed a hit above Guardian's head, causing him to let go of his grip.

Guardian smashed his chest, and transformed into his fighting form, "Knight... Guardian."

"That's useless!" Colton hopped back up and threw a kick.

Guardian lifted his shield up and punched Colton with his hammer.

"Everyone has a choice! If they want to give up or not! And no one, not even you can dictate me!" Guardian stood back up on his feet. "Even if I'm a piece of trash!"

Colton smashed his back on a mountainside wall, shaking his whole body off.

"What's wrong with his punch, it was strong!" He mumbled. "I gotta take him seriousl–"

Guardian dashed through the wind and punched his enemy through the mountain. "Great Aim: Hammer!"

"That was close!" Colton exclaimed after dodging his opponent. "I have to finish you already!" Colton pulled out his chains and lashed Guardian's neck up.

Guardian got flung up in the air, almost pulling his head off his torso.

"Say goodbye, trash!" Colton pinned his foot on the ground and twisted his forearm, pulling his elbow back and tucking it on his side. "Hakyushu: Screw!"

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