Chapter 76: Change

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"Are you crazy?"

"You cannot defeat Lax in a fight. He's a bunchlin, one of the strongest creatures on earth and you... your kind- our kind is one of the weakest."

"Stop. Forcing. Her." His bolts cracked and crawled all throughout his body. "Cressida is free."

Lax stood proud, unaffected, "What would you do then? Stop me? Your friends can do nothing against the strongest Bunchlin who have ever lived!" He exclaimed, pointing his wide open hands towards him. "Me!"

"I will avenge my friends but won't stop you..."

Bulls pointed his finger at the giant Bunchlin.

"... I will make you suffer."

Cressida walked closer to the man who was challenging her empire's strongest warrior, holds Bulls' hand and gazed at him in the eye.

"Cressida." Bulls spoke with the calmness of his voice.

Cressida shook her head slowly. Her eyes were filled with care and concern, she knew that Bulls won't be able to do this, "No..." She tightened her grip with Bulls hand as Bulls turn to face her.

"I need to protect my friends and save those who are in need of my aid." Bulls held on Cressida's hand with his. "Now you're one of them, so I can't let you down." He let go of her hold and faced Lax.

A gust of wind blew from the direction of Lax. Bulls knew what his opponent was about to do, thus Bulls quickly snatched Cressida and dodged an explosive attack from Lax.

"Thought I would hit two birds with one stone." Lax grinned. "However, whatever you do, you can never escape from me!"

Bulls hopped back, not taking his sight away from the furious bunchlin.

"Allow me to send your corpse to the demons!" Lax disappeared on where he was standing.

Cressida tightly held on Bulls shoulder as she was being carried by Bulls on his arms, "Bulls, run, you can't defeat hi- Woah!" She was thrown up in the air by Bulls.

"I'll catch you!" Bulls also disappeared, leaving dust clouds on his trail.

In a blink of an eye, Bulls struck Lax in the chin with his knee, sending him flying back to huge doors of the throne room.

"Upper Chisel."

After he landed, Bulls dashed back to Cressida and caught her before she fell on the floor. He quickly hid her behind the throne and told her to stay hidden.

"Stay here, hide. Don't make any noise."

"Be careful."

Bulls nodded and went back to his fight. He gracefully walked into the aisle. As he took every step, his eyes were locked on his friends who were taken down by the creature in the far side of the room. Most of the time he will calm himself down, but this time, he allowed himself to feel the anger, no restrains, no restrictions.

"That packs a-"

Bulls hit him once more, sending Lax piercing through the wall on the hallway outside the throne room.

"You'll pay for making this to my friends!"

Cressida was shocked, seeing the man she manipulated earlier, "Oh..." she whispered. "He wasn't using half of his power earlier. Maybe not even a quarter or a tenth." She watched carefully as the ground tremble beneath her feet.

Bulls kneeled on the ground and carefully moved his friends on the side of the aisle.

"I'm sorry, for not being there." He whispered as he rested James' back on the wall.

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