Chapter 35: The Fight Against Principles

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A few moments ago...

Leonardo began to dash once again, he pulled his right fist back and gave Bulls a tender blow on his abdomen.

"Hundred Pound Mallet!"

Bulls pierced through the wall and crashed through the tables and chairs of the room that looks more like a conference room. He tried to stand up but he felt weak on his knees. His vision began to blur and he can no longer bare the pain.

"... but not as good as mine, newbie."

"He's... fast."

Leonardo walked through the wall crack and stared at his opponent, "I have expected too much from you. But you're just a kid who's playing a game you can never win."

Bulls' eyes closed and he began to lose consciousness.

Leonardo turned around and began to walk away, "Mr. Phillippe will be very disappointed in you. He should have dumped you, you're useless."

Bulls opened his eyes and clenched his fist. He breathed in and began to stood back up.


"Oh, you're still alive. I thought you–"

Bulls dashed through the smoke and dust, and instantly reached Leonardo's back.

"He would not..."

Leonardo turned around, hopped away and crossed his forearms to block his attack but there was no one behind him. However, when he was about to turn around a raging fist hit him in the face and sent him flying away. He crashed through the rooms of the Capitol until he stopped after piercing a dozen.

"... do such thing!"

"That was different from the ones he threw earlier. This one's heavier."

Before he could move, the wall from behind him exploded and Bulls came out of it, about to hit him again.

"What the–" Leonardo tripped his foot and fell on the ground.

"I will never... disappoint... my teacher!" Bulls exclaimed. "Hakyushu: Piston!"

He showered a barrage of punches towards Leonardo who was already pinned at the floor.

"I have... to do... something." He whispered.

Leonardo observed Bulls' punches, they are almost invisible to the eye but if you further observe, you will see that it was just an illusion.

"Now I know your attack's weakness."

He raised his left foot and kicked Bulls's fist away, "Vertical Power Saw!"

Leonardo successfully stopped the momentum and disabled Bulls' attack. He pushed himself up and bent both of his elbows back.

"Two Hundred Pound Mallet!"

Leonardo ppsent a twin punch straight to Bulls sending him flying up in the air and crashed into the wall. He stood back up but Bulls disappeared again. He had no choice but to use the forbidden technique.

"Too fast."

Dusts were sent flying up in the air after Bulls passed by them. Leo closed his eyes and observed his surroundings. He can feel Bulls' presence around, but he was so fast to pinpoint his exact position. He opened his eyes and pinned his left foot into the floor.

"Hakyushu: Scre–"

Leonardo's heart almost jumped out of his mouth when his opponent suddenly reappeared in front of him. Bulls' eyes were full of determination and no signs of fear.

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