Chapter 59: Rocky's Tearful Exclamations

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"Mr... Bulls..."

"Can you please... take my necklace back...?"

"I will, we will!" Bulls replied. He stood up and sprinted, going to the fight.

"Guardian, let's go!"

"Yes, Sir!" Guardian exclaimed.

"Christian Ironheart Jr!" Bulls exclaimed, dashing towards the clash. He bent his knees and dashing with an explosive speed in between Rocky and Thor.


"Ten Pound Bolt Hammer!"

Rocky blocked the punch with both of his forearms, thinking that it was just an ordinary punch, thrown by an ordinarily weak man.


Bulls pushed furiously and threw a powerful punch, strong enough to send the strongest living man crashing into the canyon walls.

Rocky rolled several times until he stopped after hitting the wall hardly.

"Don't mess with my friends!" Bulls exclaimed.

"Then, what do you think I am to you?!" Rocky exclaimed, pushing his body back up. He jumped back in and punched Bulls away. "Am I not your friend?!"

"Friends never hurt nor threaten each other!" Bulls exclaimed. "I always wanted to be the brother you never had and I always wanted you to be my brother, you know that! But what happened to you?! Thor wasn't breaking or tearing us apart, he just needs my help, our help, but what did you do, you let your anger control you and ruin our friendship!"

"You can never understand me!" Rocky began to pace back to his opponents. "I felt the pain, the anxiousness, grief and depression. And what did I do? I used that as the fuel, to become a much stronger version of myself. Someone that I would be proud of... someone that my father would be proud of!"

Rocky dashed towards Bulls, "Hakyushu: Blast Gear Obliteration!"

"Blue Bolt, Level Two..." Bulls exclaimed. "Bolt Plasma." He waved his right hand out and released a bolting, gigantic plasma fist.

"Hakyushu: Ten Pound Bolt Plasma Hammer!"

Rocky released his punches in a flowing motion.


However, it did nothing to Bulls' gargantuan fist. Rocky was pushed amd sent smashing into the canyon wall.

"Thor, Guardian!" Bulls exclaimed, pulling his fist back.

"Approaching!" Thor replied.

"Yes, Sir!" Guardian replied. "Tank Guardian, deactivate!"

Bulls, Thor, and Guardian charged up and pinned Rocky on to the side of the wall.

"Grappling Claws!" Guardian pulled his hands back in and retracted his claws out. He quickly flew towards Rocky and pushed him on to the wall, holding both of his hands.

"Thunder Smash!"

"Ten Pound Hammer!"

Bulls and Thor punched Rocky's abdomen.

"Whatever you do... nothing's gonna happen, it won't work!" Rocky exclaimed. "Take this!"

Rocky managed to push Guardian's claws back with his brute strength and flung him onto the canyon wall. Thor accidentally, bumped into Guardian and was pushed away from them.

"Hakyushu: Blast Saw!"

Bulls was blasted by Rocky's kick, taking him down to the ground. He was about stand back up when he suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed.

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