Chapter 50: Mystery of the Pearl

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Rocky moved closer to the Central Stage's pedestal. As he move closer, his excitement and anticipation builds up.

"This is it. The Pearl of Ezra will be mine!"

Above the pedestal lies the price, a dark colored bracelet, holding a dark, reddish marble-like pearl on its strap. It was placed above a pressure plate above the pedestal.

Rocky thought for a moment, "A pressure plate, this means there's a trap in here, a much more fatal trap." He whispered. "These old tricks!"

He rubbed his ear and began to think deeper.

"Shoot, what am I doing?! I'm imitating Bulls mannerisms!" He exclaimed as he waved his hand away from his ear. His hand accidentally hit a string above his head, snapping it. "Shoot!"

Dozens of sharp, pointy darts went flying from the wall, dashing towards his direction. They are very fast, almost inevitable.

"Infernal Instin-" Rocky tripped his feet and fell backwards, smashing his back on the steps of the stage. "Argghhhh.... ARGGGHHH! It hurts!"

He remained atill and breathed deeply.
"That was close. I thought it would be the end of my life." His sight reached the axe behind him, it already stopped swaying.

Rocky let out an evil grin, slowly stood up and stared at the bracelet, "It's now or never."

Rocky went closer and closer to the bracelet. But one step before the pedestal, he accidentally stepped on a pressure plate camouflaged on the floor.


He went pale and he froze in his position. He began to sweat badly and his trembling uncontrollably.

"Landmine? No, this isn't. Or maybe it is." He nervously thoughtp. "I gotta do this... now!" He snatched the bracelet and dashed out of the central stage. Spiked bars fell from the spaces between the pillars, closing in the way out. Rocky slides through the remaining space and out of the cage. He then passed through the axe and ran away from the room.

"Infernal Instinct!"

Running as fast as he could, he dodged through the spears and swords that he passed through earlier. However, in the middle of his run, he suddenly stopped.

"Something is wrong. I felt this before. That everything feels so easy." He sensed the surroundings. "Phew! I thought something's gonna hap-"

The ceiling from above suddenly collapsed and the heavy stone beam pinned him down on his chest.

The bracelet fell off his hand a few feet away from him.

"Damn. Arghhhhh!" He exclaimed. "It's so... heavy!"

His eyes began to blur as he catches his breath.

"No, I refuse... to die this way. I still need to... avenge my pride! This can't be the end!" He yelled out his frustrations.

Rocky saw the bracelet in front of him. He stretched his hand to reach it.

"I can... do this!"

Slowly and carefully, he almost got it when someone stepped on his hand.


"So, you got caught by one of the traps in this cave, huh."

"That voice... that dri... ver!"

"Nice memory, you're quite good." Colton, the man who drove Rocky to thia town.

Colton pressed on Rocky's hand harder.

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