Chapter 70: Departure of the Blade of Chicola

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Bulls woke up from his dream. He quickly sat on the from where he was laying down and looked at his hand.

"Grace...!" he said as his tears began to shed from his eyes.

He clenched his fist and stared at it, "If I only had this... strength when... I was a kid... I... I... could have... saved her."

Bulls held on his throat, they ached. His voice was affected by his injuries, making them low and cracky. His wounds suddenly ached and throbbed from under the bandages.

"Where... am I?" He asked himself.

He looked around the room from where he was resting. It was dark and there is almost no light entering the room, it was also super cold and chilly. However, as he used his sixth sense to check the surroundings, he found out that he was still at the Village of Chicola.

"The... fight...! Did... we won?! Where... are they?" Bulls went out of the bed and tried to stand up but his knees suddenly felt weak and he collapsed on the floor. "Ahhh!"

"Damn... my knees...!" He pushed himself up but his arms are also as weak as jellies. He managed to sit on thefloor and rest his head at the side of the bed. "Why are these memories kept coming back as if it happened yesterday." His tears unconsciously flowed from his eyes.

"Papa... what should I do...?"

A few minutes later, Bulls heard a loud noise coming from the distance from the door. "Am I... upstairs?"

Noise was coming from outside the door, someone was running upstairs and is getting closer and louder. Then, the noise suddenly stopped and the door widely opened.

"Bulls-san! You're awake!"

Bulls was blinded by the sudden flash of the outside light. The familiar voice reminded him of the fight at the Canyon.


The person came closer to him and helped him to stand up and sit on the edge of the bed.

"I'm glad... you're alive."

"Of course I will live." Hiro sat on the bed and breathed deeply. "You've been asleep for so long."

"How... long?"

"A week."

"Oh... no." Bulls sighed. "Please... take me... outside... I wanna see everyone."

"Are you sure? You're still weak. You need to recover."


"Okay." Hiro helped him walk out of the room, supporting him with his own tiny little body.

"Where... are we... by the way?" Bulls asked.

"We are at my great grandfather's house. He said that he wanted to help the people that helped our village, our country."

"Ahh... okay."

"By the way... Thor was the first one to wake up the next day after the fight. He immediately looked for you guys. Then, I woke up the following day, then James on the fourth day and finally, you woke up."

"Uhm... how about..."

"And... Guardian, we all know that he suffered the worst during the battle. However, he miraculously woke up after James. I know the term 'woke up' does not suit him but that's the best way to describe it." Hiro added.

"Thanks... for letting me know... I'm so glad... everyone is alive." Bulls said, wiping his teary eyes.

"We were saved because of you... Thank you, Bulls-san." Hiro said.

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