Chapter 49: The Cave of Ezra

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The Land of Fiouba, the most civilized and most populous country in the continent of Barbaria, home to millions of people, natives and tourists. The land was also the safest country in the whole continent, according to the Although, I Could Travel Journal, and the country with the most tourist visits in Barbaria, according to an article written at the Broth Magazines. This country was undeniably a great place to visit for vacation.

However, this gorgeous country holds a deep, dark secret hidden for centuries. During the Great World War, hundreds of greedy soldiers fell victim to a myth, the myth of the Pearl of Ezra, a mythical emblem that amplify the users strengths as well as his weaknesses. The soldiers wanted to possess its power and be the world's most powerful man. This made the soldiers raid its temple, at the Cave of Ezra which was there mistake. The cave was full of traps, dangerous and sometimes fatal.

One day, the soldiers raided the cave for one reason, to get the Pearl of Ezra. One by one, the soldiers fell victim to the traps, killing each one of them, until one soldier ended up at the Pedestal where the price was situated. He snatched the Pearl and successfully used it in the war. The man fought along with the soldiers of the world and became one of the five greatest heroes of all time, the users of five mythical emblems. However, the man died after reaching its limits. After he died, the Pearl was placed back on its cave and after hundreds of years, no one ever tried to snatch it again.

The legend of the Pearl of Ezra was slowly forgotten by the people of Fiouba, only known by the elders of some families, passed through generations.

At the present, a hot-headed man ambitiously made a promise, to become the world's strongest man, and to achieve that, he went to Ezra, the Port City of Fiouba to snatch and use the Power of the Pearl of Ezra.

After a month of sailing through the raging waters of the Southern Ulterblue Ocean, Rocky reached his destination, the Port City of Ezra, at the Land of Fiouba.

The ship docked at the Port of Ezra, the second largest port in the whole World next to Grand Port of Joraia. Rocky quickly went to look for any local transportation around the City.

"Oi, kid. Where can I find any mode of transportation here, going to the Town of Lunacresta?"

"Mudra!" The kid ran away from him.

"Oi! Kid!" Rocky was about to chase the kid when a man approached him.

"Sir? Do we have a problem here?" A man dressed up like an Officer spoke.

"Nothing, I'm just asking him if how could I reach the Town of Lunacresta, but he ran away."

"Ah, if you're going there, you might want to prepare for the ride." The man said.


A few minutes later...

"This isn't what I expected! A cart, being pulled by a donkey, at the railway?!"

The driver of the vehicle laughed, "Well, there are no longer trains using these so the people used their creativity and used these. Funny isn't it?!"

"No, it's not!" Rocky exclaimed.

The man laughed harder as he drives through a mesa desert. Redish dust flew behind them, a sign that a mining activity once occurred here.

"Why would a tourist want to go to this very isolated town?"

"It's none of your business but I need information so I'll ask you..." Rocky started. "Where can I find the Cave of Ezra?!"

"Oh, that's something. However, I have no idea where is it." The man chuckled.

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