Chapter 65: The Girl from the Train Station

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Bulls fainted after the blast, he smashed his head on a boulder and his memories flooded back, the memories that he almost forgotten. Him, his bestfriend, and the most special girl in his life.

Twelve years ago...

At the Village of Tora Tora, a train that came from the Province of Huma stopped and unloaded its passengers. After the crowd of passengers came out, a family of three came out of the train and joyfully gazed at the distant view of the humble town.

"Is this the place where we're going to live, for good?" The little girl asked. "Looks like there's nothing interesting in here."

"Yes, baby girl, this is where we will live from now on." Her father spoke.

"Nothing interesting? There's so many interesting things in this town." Her mother said.

"Yes, your mother's right! This is where she was born and the place where I first met her." Her father added.

"Wait... Baby Girl?!" The girl exclaimed. "I'm no longer a baby girl! Mom, Dad's calling me a baby again!"

Her parents laughed and her mother carried her on his arms.

"Grace, your Dad's just joking you. Don't take it seriously." She said.

"Okay, okay. Let's go!" Grace exclaimed and pointed at the exit of the station.

After a few minutes, the family reached the roadside where they went to call for a carriage that will take them to their new home. While Grace's parents were talking, the kid took a stroll. She saw vast fields, forests, and hills at the far distance, then at the far distance, structures can be seen.

While Grace was busy sightseeing, a rushing kid bumped into her. They both slammed into the ground but luckily, they were not seriously hurt.

"Hey! Are you blind or what? Didn't you know that this is a busy road and everyone in this town is busy working for the betterment of this town?!" The boy spoke.

"I'm sorry, okay. I don't know that! I just came in this town of yours!" She exclaimed, almost teary. "And also, I'm not blind! I'm just... I'm just... admiring the view of this place, that's all."

The boy felt sorry for shouting at the girl and helped her stand up.

"Uhmm... Are you hurt?" He asked.

"A... little."

The boy rubbed her hands that turned reddish after her fall, removing the dirt on it. "Well, next time, please be extra careful. What if I'm a vehicle, a raging animal, or a bad person. You could have got hurt." The boy said.

"Yeah, I will." She frowned, nodding she spoke.

"... And I'm sorry, I wasn't looking at my way." He sincerely apologized. "I was uhmm... on a rush."

"It's okay, I understand. It was my fault."

"No, it was mine." Bulls insisted. "What's your name by the way?"

"I-I am... Grace... What is yours?"

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