Chapter 28: Archie and his Nightmarish Dream

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Back outside the Hotel...

"Ten Pound Hammer!" Bulls threw a powerful punch towards his opponent.

"You think you can outsmart me, never in a thousand years!" Archie heightened his defense by raising his elbow up. "Glipman Jiujitsu..."

He dashed forth and faced Bulls' attack with his. "Elbow Cut!"

"Watch me."

Their attacks struck each other.

"I won't let you hurt another innocent person!" Bulls said.

"You'll die first before even protecting a strand of Jessica's hair!"

"Shut up!" Bulls dashed towards Arhie and showered him with punches.

Archie hopped back and dodged Bulls' attacks. He pinned his feet behind and swung his elbow onto Bulls' face, sending him crashing at the street.

"Glipman Jiujitsu: Counter Strike!"

Bulls felt nauseous after the hit, immobilizing him for a bit.

"Haven't you realized it yet? The gap between our power is beyond normal your tiny brain's understanding!"

"Tsk!" Bulls pushed himself up and dashed once more, "I will never..."

Archie dashed towards him and pulled his elbow once more.

"Say goodbye, you nosy little brat." He begam spinning rapidly, protruding his elbow outward.

"... give up!"

"Glipman Jiujitsu: Death Scythe!"

"Hakyushu: Pliers Grip!"

Bulls grabbed Archie's momentous attack and pulled his opponent around.

"How could you–"

"... Vice Crush!"

Archie screamed in pain as his opponent spin around while crushing his arm. Bulls threw Archie away falling onto the ruins, farther away from the hotel.

"Painful, isn't it?" He spoke as he catches his breath. "I'm just starting."

"Pain is what fuels me!"

Archie dashed once again, ignoring the injury he took from the man he underestimated. Bulls went back to his fighting stance and prepared to attack once more.

"Hakyushu: Screw!"

Archie dodged his attack and dashed backwards.

"It seems like you missing more and more!"

"Quit assuming that you're my target!"

Archie looked back and behind him the clocktower was already collapsing, going straight to him.

"You tricky little brat!"

He hopped sideways and dodged the collapsing structure.

"Ten Pound Hammer!"

Bulls hit Archie in the face, causing him to smash through the collapsed clocktower.

"Di... ver... sion?"




"That cheap little pranks!"

"Where's the "You think you can outsmart me, never in a thousand years!"? It seems like I just did it." Bulls teasingly said.


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