Chapter 52: A Suicidal Ninja

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After another hour, the three of them are now down the ground, panting heavily.

"I think... Thor's idea... was actually... a bad idea." Bulls whispered.

"Yeah... I also... think that." James added.

"Stop... complaining... I also... took a... heavy hit." Thor replied to them.

A few minutes earlier...


"Heee! Yahhh!"

"Take this, Mr. Bulls." James dashed closer to Bulls and kicked him. "Agua Stream: River Rapids!"

Bulls blocked James' attack with his hands and threw him on the side.

"Not bad!" Bulls dashed forward and twisted his forearms down to his waist and pulled his elbow back. "Hakyushu: Screw!"

James blocked Bulls's twisting punch with his locked arms but it was strong enough to push him farther back.

"Ow! Mr. Bulls, that packs a punch!" James praised Bulls.

Thor stepped forward, "I have an idea. Let us fight each other, the three of us."

"Like a Battle Royale?" Bulls asked.

"I do not know what that is but maybe."

"Huh?" James gave them a confused look.

"It's a type of fighting where you fight everyone and you don't have any allies. That rule is applied to every contenders." Bulls explained. "Game?"

"Game!" James exclaimed

"Let us begin!" Thor added.

The three of them stepped back away from each other.

"I feel bad if I target James, so I will take Thor down." Bulls thoughts.

"I would not give this kid a chance. I will punch him with brute strength." Thor smirked as he thought.

"Thor is bigger and I don't think I can take take him down so I will just strike Mr. Bulls." James also thought.

A strong gust of wind blew from up the icy mountain. Each one of them were silently looking at their targets.

"Now!" Bulls exclaimed on his mind and dashed towards Thor. "Hakyushu: Ten Pound Hammer!"

James dashed closer to Bulls and threw his attack, "Agua Stream: Splash Hit!"

Thor did the same and charged towards James, "Thunder Smash!"

The three of them froze in position as they took each other's punches. Thor hit James' face, Bulls hit Thor's abdomen, and James hit Bulls' jaw.

Then the three of them fell on the ground, panting heavily.

A minute of pure silence has passed until someone finally spoke.

"I think... Thor's idea... was actually... a bad idea." Bulls whispered.

"Yeah... I also... think that." James added.

"Stop... complaining... I also... took a... heavy hit." Thor replied to them.

"Let's don't do that again, okay?" Bulls said.

"I agree." Thor replied.

"Yeah." James added.

"Now, it's quite late. Let's go to sleep." Bulls offered.

However, James and Thor are already heading back to the cave.

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