Chapter 17: Hakyushu!

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Fireleg came close to Bulls and kicked him upwards. "Fire Tower!" His attack lifted Bulls and then sent away by another kick.

"Just give up, kiddo!" Fireleg swung his leg violently. "Hell-bent Avenue!"

Bulls flew in the air after he took the powerful hit from his opponent. Everything around him became slower. His eyes began to close and his senses began to weaken, he knew that he was about to faint.

But then, before his eyes closed a flash back from the past played after them.

Eight years earlier...

"Rocks! Rocks!" Bulls rushing to call for his friend.

"What's the matter?! Why are you screaming like a rooster?!"

"We have a problem." Bulls pants heavily, leaning on his knees. "Not as complicated as an arithmetic problem or anything... Junnie and his gang... they're hurting an old man!"

"So, what?! That's not our problem, genius."

"It is!"

"Then how is it our problem, huh?!"

"They are on our turf!"

"Those airheads! Let's go!"

Bulls and Rocky ran immediately went into the Apple Hill.

On their way to the hill, they decided to pass by Bulls's farm to get some sticks.

After a couple of minutes, they reached the foot of the hill. They found Junnie, the boy considered as the strongest bully in town. They found the old man being kicked and smashed by the sticks by Junnie's subordinates.

"Oi! Junnie! Why don't you pick up a fight to someone your own size!" Rocky exclaimed.

"Who's this kid? Oh, I remember, this was Rocky the Wacky!" Junnie teased him, followed by the laughing of his gang.

"Just bring it on!"

Rocky and Bulls charged towards Junnie with a baseball bat and a stick.

The next second, Bulls and Rocky were taken down.

"I've lost interest with these guys. Peeps, let's go back to the town."

After the next minute, Bulls and Rocky remained still.

"B-Bulls, I won't accept this..."

"Me... too."

Then suddenly, the old man sat on the ground like nothing happened.

"Why did you helped me?" The old man asked. His voice was calming and gentle to th ears, giving a sense of relief to the injured kids.

"How could... you still move... after being... beaten up?" Bulls asked.

"We never... helped you! Junnie... was displaying his ugly-ass face... in our turf!" Rock exclaimed.

"I wasn't hurt, I just let them be satisfied with beating me up."

The old man smiled. He stood up and lifted them up.

"Oi! What... are you... doing?!"

"Hey! Where you taking us?!"

"Just stay relaxed and take some rest."

After the old man spoke, Bulls and Rocky fell asleep.


Bulls and Rocky woke up on a hut. They are laying on a bed next to the table and chair. They went out of the hut and found the old man sitting above a boulder, on an indian sit and meditating.

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