Chapter 20: Their First Encounter

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Two days later, James and his father, Geronimo went out for their martial arts training at the deeper part of the forest.

"Argghhh!" James exclaimed after he got hit and fell on the ground once again.


"What's the point of doing this, father?" James asked. "We all know that I cannot do more that a simple Aqua Blitz or Aqua Surge. I am the weakest in the tribe and the grandson of its chief. There's no reason for me to train."


"But Fathe–"


James did what his father said and stood back up.


"Stand, son!"


"You can do more than that, stand!"

"Don't let me beat you!"

"Fight back!"


James fell many times, more than the fingers on his hands and toes on his feet. Almost reaching his limit, but his father kept pulling him back up with his motivating words.

"Father, I can't."

"No!" He exclaimed. "Don't let your mind dictate what you can do! Exceed itself, grow stronger than it!"

Geronimo dashed towards his son and attacked him mercilessly. However, instead of running away, James dodged all of his father's attacks and tried to counter them, only to fail and fall back down.


"But father, I can no–"

"Son, stand!"

James can feel what his father was feeling, determination.

Once more, Geronimo attacked his son, but this time, James performed better and for the first time, he successfully took his father down.


"Why are you still doing this, father? Even if we all know that I am weaker than my friends, you're still not giving up on me." He said, panting heavily.

"Son, everything that you're saying is just within your mind. You are blinded by it that you can no longer see what you're capable of doing." Geronimo said. "Can't you see? You took me down."

He stood up and came near his son.

"Son, your connection with the water may be weaker than anyone else in the tribe, but your connection with the ocean itself is generally much stronger than anyone else, stronger than my father, stronger than me. You are way more capable of doing more than you are thinking."

"I don't understand."

"One day, you will." Geronimo said. "But right now, you have to train more."

James nodded and went back on his fighting stance.

"Fight!" His father exclaimed.

James pulled his fist back and threw it straight to his father, only to get dodged by his father.

"Agua Stream: River Rapids!"

"Agua Stream: Hit!"

James was sent flying up, but he immediately landed on a tree trunk and jumped back down.

"Agua Jet..."

"Bring everything that you have got, son! I won't step back!"

"Geyser Impact."

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