Chapter 33: The Human and the God

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Chimpa immediately removed the trident and threw it away. Out of rage, he rammed towards the house where James was thrown.

"Huhh?" Chimpa grunted, looking around him very confused.

"Where is he?" Tedd also got confused, searching for James around with his keen eyes.

"He's–" Leonardo looked up and found their opponent.

James dashed up in the air and aimed at them.

"It's too early to celebrate, urchins!" He threw his powerful blast straight into them. "Agua Wave!"


Leonardo leaped up in the air and aimed at James' open back.

"Hundred Pound Mallet!"

"Argggghhhhhh!" James exclaimed after he took the bone-breaking attack.

James' began to fall back down while his hand was still blasting powerful attack, causing it to be redirected up into the sky.

"Take this!" Tedd flew passed James and slashed him.

He crashed into the ground, immobilized by the immense pain, so painful that he cannot even use the Heart of the Sea.

James slowly stood back up but he eventually collapsed and fell on his knees. Then, he began to crawl away from his enemies.

"What did I tell you? I told you that it was too late to run." Leonardo said after he stepped on James' back.

"Argghhhh!" James let out a horribly painful scream.

Leonardo lifted him up and spoke, "Atlantians are at the lowest tip of the hierarchy, whereas humans, we are at the top, very top." He then threw James' immobile body, rolling away.

The life on his eyes started to fade away.

"I... gotta see... my father..."


"Paulo... Gramps... I mean... Chief."

He chucked, coughing up blood out of his mouth.

"... my tribes' future... depends on... me."

The rain continued to pour down, seeping through James' wounds, washing away from blood stains, the mud. Now, he can't breathe properly, his vision's blurring, he can no longer hear the rainwater that was splashing around him. All he can hear is a long, deafening ring on his ears.


"Monkey, Chicken, do the honor of killing him." Leonardo spoke.

"You mere... tsk! Chimpa, let's go kill the prey!"

Mocked by Leonardo, Tedd along with Chimpa dashed towards James, preparing to finish him once and for all.



James slowly kneeled and bowed his head. He closed his eyes, seeing his father, his friends, the whole tribe smiling at him.

"Father... if I only listened to you..."

The voice of his enemies became weaker and weaker...

"Axe Chimpa!"

"Low Altitude Outburst!"

"I am... sorry." James mumbled.


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