Chapter 38: Estuaria's Most Heartless Man

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James pierced through the walls of the ruined structures and crashed into the water puddle.

"This is the reality, little Atlantian." Agustus spoke as he walk through the ruins. "Everyone in this world needed to be ruled by someone who is strong and powerful, enough to make them kneel in front of that great ruler. And in order for that ruler to reign, he must eliminate threats and take down the hurdles that are blocking the future ruler's way to success. The question is, "who is that great ruler?" The question was answered long ago..." He proudly raised his hands. "... it was me!"

James breathed deeply, he pushed himself back up and wiped his eyes.

"Ah... my eyes."

James stood up and lowered his stance, "No... you're believing... the wrong thing..." He said. "Ruler is not the right term... it should be a Leader!"

He quickly waved his hands and slowly, a water blade formed in them.

"And a leader doesn't... need to make... the people kneel... The number one thing... that he must do... is to make the people... unite... and help... each other!" He exclaimed. "You won't rule our land... never! And... I will set this land... free from you!"

Agustus punched through the walls of the ruined building. "You can never save your people, I will eradicate you down to your last individual." He chuckled. "As long as I'm alive, you won't experience peace and freedom!"

"I will save them from you... and I'll start by taking you down... for good!" James glared at his opponent. "Now... I need to take this seriously."

James lowered his stance and took aim at his opponent, "Aguaflujo Forming Technique: Xiphias." He walked calmly towards his opponent. James disappeared in the thin air and reappeared behind Agustus. "Calm Flow."

"You misse-" Agustus fell on his knees after he felt a sudden numbness on them. "What?!"

The wall on his side also got slashed, causing it to fall-off.

"Heart of the Sea." James whispered. He began to emit a gleaming green light, a calming flash of light.

"You! I will destroy you!" Agustus stood up, forcing himself to stand even if his forelegs are bleeding. "Heavyweight Bash!" He propelled his body towards James, pointing his bald head at James.

James waved his hands and the blades splashed away. He opened his palms towards his opponent's direction. "Agua Hold and Lock."

Agustus slowly decelerated in the air until he finally stopped. "What are you doing?! Let me go, you little monster!"

James pinned his left foot down the floor and threw his opponent's bulky body out of the structure. Agustus crashed out and rolled like a wrecking ball, crushing anything on its path.

"You son of a gun!"

James dashed through the holes of the structures and slashed Agustus' chest. "Agua Blades: Slashing Tide."

"Argghhhhhhhhh!" Agustus screamed out the pain.

"Aguaflujo Forming Technique: Xiphias." James dashed around his opponent, not letting it know his exact position. "Agua Jet."

"That won't work!" Agustus picked up another beam and violently swings it around. "You nimble, little monster!"

"Aguaflujo Forming Technique: Leviathan." He reappeared in front of Agustus, giving him a shock.


"Agua Stream: River Rapids!"

James threw a barrage of powerful kicks towards his opponents weak points.

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