Chapter 71: A Rough Way Down

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Three long weeks later...

Bulls and the others have almost reached the end of the Centarian Mountain Range. Guardian carried Bulls, Thor and James, while Hiro was dashing in the air, but he only flew for the first week. However, at the middle of their journey, his thrusters were worn off after being exposed to extreme cold conditions. This forced them to trek through the cold and steep mountains.

Then, after days, they reached the last and final point, the tallest and the most dangerous mountain in the range, Mount Ugruk. Full of canyons, steep valleys and sharp edged stones and rock formations, this is the part of the range from which most mountaineers have fallen and died.


Tremendously strong gusts of wind blew towards them as they passed through the steep and narrow passage at the side of the mountain. It almost toppled them down, but they are sturdier than before.

"Brrrr...!" James shivered.

"We're... almost... there!" Bulls exclaimed, as his internal furnace can no longer warm him up after weeks of exposure to the open, cold climate.

"Endure... it!" Thor exclaimed.

While the four of them are trekking slowly up the steep cliffside path, Hiro is walking straight up, ignoring the intensely cold burts of wind.

"The mountain is blowing more and more winds than before, this only means one thing, we almost reached the end." He said. "Come on! We can make it one of the mountains."

"You... are... right!" Bulls exclaimed. "We are almost there!"

"Move... Forth!" Thor exclaimed.

"I... will... I can... do... th-" James suddenly collapsed and fell above the snowy ground.

"James!" Everyone exclaimed.

Bulls ran towards James and aided him.

"James, are you okay?" He asked. "He lost consciousness, we must go quick or he'll die!"

Guardian immediately carried James up and held him closer to his chest where his reactor was.

"Get yourselves together!" Hiro exclaimed.

"We... will!" Bulls exclaimed with a shivering voice.

"This is nothing... compared to the war that we will face!" Thor exclaimed.

"Quicken your pace!" Bulls exclaimed.

They trekked faster than before, up the steep path.

It was as dark as a moonless night. The thick, dark clouds covered the noontime sunlight, making the temperature drop down to ten degrees below zero.

James was severely frostbitten and he already lost consciousness, they need to hurry or they will meet the same fate as the other mountaineers that tried to pass the mountains.

After another hour, they reached the end of the path, a narrow cave entrance.

"Should we get in? Guardian?" Bulls asked.

"Yes, Sir. We're only a mile away from the edge."

"We are almost there!" Thor joyfully exclaimed.

"The sun, we'll see it soon." Hiro said.

"Let's go!"

Bulls led them through the cave. It was warmer than usual, something that Bulls have noticed immediately. They passed through the labyrinthine passageway until they found themselves on another steep, cliffside path. It was a thousand foot drop, and the bottom was covered with fog.

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