Chapter 72: Separate Ways

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"Hey! What are you two doing in our territory?!" Another voice spoke from the distance.

"Who cares?!" Hiro and James exclaimed in a duet.

"Non-natives! Boys, shoot them!"

Hiro and James redirected their attention to the opponents.

A group of bandits showed up and aimlessly fired at them with their guns.

"Agua Block Tide!" James protected them with his water barrier.

"Tsk! You don't have to cover me! I can deflect their bullets!" Hiro dashed out of the water barrier and sprinted towards the opponents. "Aerojutsu..."

"Goodness! This ninja's being a burden!" Jamed exclaimed and lowered his stance. "Aguaflujo Forming Technique: Xiphias!"

"What are you doing?! Shoot them down!" The leader of the bandits exclaimed.

"Low Altitude Outburst!"

"Agua Blade: Slashing Tide!"

Hiro and James slashed their way to the opponents, leaving the leader the last man standing on their side.

"Stop following me!" Hiro exclaimed.

James picked up a blob of water and covered Hiro's mouth with it. "Silence." He walked towards the old man that leads the bandits and pointed his trident at its neck.

"Who are you? Why did you attacked us? What is this place?"

"I won't-"

"I have had enough. I'm tired, my body aches, I've got separated with my friends and I'm stuck with this annoyance!" James breathed deeply, rubbed his temple slowly, trying to calm himself. "You will say everything you know or else I won't hesitate to slash your neck open." He calmly said.

The man cleared his throat and dropped his weapon. "We... we are the defenders of this land... The Land of Mergaia... but we're only doing this because we want to take it back from those Bunchlins."


"Big, tall beings from the peaks of Mount Gravatoria. They took over our capital and took the women and children as hostages."

James raised his hand and released his healing aura. "Once I knew that you're telling me trash information, you will be the first to die." The aura healed the bandits they slashed earlier. "I will help you. We will help you."

The old man bowed his head on the ground and sincerely said, "Thank you... thank you very much!"

A few moments later, the bandits regained their consciousness.

"Mr. Mayor!"

"Mayor Hamburg!"

"Guys, shoot those men!"

"Wait, stop!" The old man exclaimed. "They are going to help us!"

"But they-"

"Trust me, please. They are here to aid us in our fight against the Bunchlins." The old man said.

Hiro managed to remove James' water blob and immediately confronted James.

"What are you doing? They are strangers! They are just tricking you!"

"Stop it, Hiro! I know that this old man's telling the truth."

"How did you know?! Huh?" Hiro asked.

"I can feel it with my sixth sense! Happy now?"

"But how are you going to defeat those Bunchlins? You are still frostbitten!" Hiro pointed out at James left arm.

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