Chapter 68: Everyone's Efforts

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"You moron! Don't touch her!" Rocky jumped from the roof and smashed one of the guards down with the baseball bat.

The other guard tried to pull his gun and shoot the kid down but the Rocky quickly pulled the tazer out of his pocket and zapped the guard down.

"You scumbag!" Rocky swung the bat at Johansson, pushing him away from Grace.

"Ahh! You childish brat!" Johansson picked up a gun from his pocket and aimed at Rocky. "Die!"


Rocky got shot on his shoulder but it does not bother him and swung the bat stronger than before, hitting the evil mayor's head. It shookt the mayor's head down, he collapsed into the floor.

"Rocky! Are you okay?" Bulls asked.

"Rocky? Thank god you're here." Grace tearfully said.

"Rocky, help her first, quick!"

"Okay!" Rocky quickly help Grace and untied the ropes out of her hands and feet.

"Grace, are you okay?" Rocky asked.

"Yes, I am." Grace replied. "Please help Bulls."

"Bully! Are you okay?" Rocky asked, untying him.

"I'm fine."

After a few more moments, they were all back on their feet and out of the evil people's hands.

"Let's get out of here!" Bulls exclaimed.

Grace and Rocky nodded and they ran out of the warehouse. They ran through the forest towards the direction of the farm where they were, at the Armstrong's Farm. The sun's rays are starting to give a warm gleam at the dark sky.

However, before they could reach the fence and jump over, the mayor's vehicle overtook and blocked their way. Three big, tall guys went out of the vehicle and pulled out their batons.

"Hey, bastards! This is it for you!" The mayor came out of the van, holding his aching head. "Running away is useless! I can always find you wherever you go!"

"No, what you're doing is useless. Before you took us, i got the recording of your business talks with Mr. Davidson and right now, the copy was held by someone trusty and once we never came back, he will give it to the authorities." Bulls said.

"What the? How did you-" the mayor quickly went to the van and rode away. "Kill them boys!"

The mayor's guards slowly went towards them.

"You heard the mayor, kill them." One of them said.

"Bulls, what should we do?" Grace asked.

"Rocks, the tazer." Bulls asked.

Rocky immediately gave it to Bulls which he passed to Grace.

"Take this and run away." Bulls said.

"No, I won't?!" She asked.

"Grace. Grace, don't worry!" Bulls assured her. "I'll still see you at the sunrise, right? At the Apple hill. I'll see you there after all of this craziness."

"But how about the two of you?"

"Of course, we'll go home." Bulls said. "Right, Rocks?"

Rocky hid his tearful face from them and exclaimed, "Of course, moron! We'll go freakin' home!"

"Go. Be safe." Bulls hugged her and pushed her away.

As her tears went down her face, Grace ran away from them and jumped over the fence.

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