Chapter 74: Cressida!

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"Aerojutsu: Atmospheric Silver Line: Three Cycles of Winter."

The bunchlins were taken down by the surprise attack. The bandits were pushed by the strong air current down the uneven, rocky path. They lost their consciousness, which made James worry and confused.

"That moronic ninja." James smirked as he raise his hand for his trident. "What happened, did you missed me?"

Hiro sheathed his katana and said, "No one's gonna babysit you if I leave."

"What?! Are you looking for a fight?"

"I'm not gonna play with the baby I'm babysitting." Hiro coldly replied.

"You shitty ninja!"

"You idiotic fishman!"

The two of them bumped their forehead against each other, disallowing themselves to be inferior to the other.

"You people are so petty." The bunchlin spoke from behind them, swinging the large axe that he was holding.

"Die!" The other two bunchlins also lifted their swords and swung them to the direction where the two troublesome kids were.


"Not today." James glared at the one with the axe after he stopped it.

"Too weak, you can only stop one." Hiro bragged after stopping the other two with his katanas; Yuki and Kuroshi.

"Oh, is this a competition?" James pushed the axe away and dashed towards his opponent.

"I guess." Hiro did the same and pulled his katanas back, pointing down, his armed crossed down on his stomach, he's almost crouching.



James and Hiro dashed and slashed their opponents with ease.

"Agua Blade: Slashing Tide!"

"Low Altitude Outburst: Dead Shift."

The bunchlins fell on the ground, James' opponent first, the Hiro's.

"Mine fell first." James smirked swinging his trident.

"I defeated two." Hiro sheathed his katanas back. "I won."

"Huh? That's unreasonable!"

"Loser." Hiro began to walk towards the cave.

"Oi!" James exclaimed.

"Are you coming or you're gonna cry there all night long?"

"Idiot, these people are-"

"Ignore them."

"Huh? They need our hel-"

"Can't you see, they betrayed you. How could you help someone who betrayed you, huh?" Hiro spoke looking above his shoulder.

"Because this is what Mr. Bulls would do."

Hiro was stunned, had nothing to rebut James' words.

"Huh. Snowflakes." Hiro turned around and helped James to lift the people and lay them at the side of the path.

While they were busy doing it, a man grabbed a hold on James arm and desperately spoke, "Please, free us. Please!"

"We won't kill you, don't worry."

"No, no, free us, free us!"

"From who?" Hiro asked.

"From the Imperial Empress' manipulatio-"

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