Chapter 53: The Village of Injustice

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"I knew it..."

A cold gust of wind blew the chills into them.

"...These mountain deities are Homo Certariensis Chicolensis."

Bulls lowered his stance.

"Brace yourselves! They're..."

"What are they?" Thor asked.

"They are Yetis!"

Loud bellowing voices echoed around them.

"This is bad. Their bellows can cause avalanche." Bulls said.

"Let me stop them." Thor walked forward and raised his hand. "Bulls, cover them."

Bulls nodded and covered the child, Guardian did the same and covered James.

"Go away!"

A powerful bolt of lightning struck him, letting out a blinding flash.


Thor released charges of electricity in all directions.

The yetis ran away from them and hid themselves away from Thor.

"We have to leave, now." Thor said.

"Why did you do that?!" The child exclaimed and kicked Bulls away.

He picked up his katana and pointed it to Bulls, "They are my friends! You shouldn't have stopped me!"

"I don't understand, why would you kill yourself if you want to save your friends?!" Bulls asked.

The child dashed, with the blade aiming at Bulls's neck, "Aerojutsu: Breeze of the North."

"Not... on... my watch." James blocked the child's slash with his trident, stopping it completely.

The child hopped back and glared at them, "Intruders. What are you doing in here? Are you going to capture one of my friends just like what those Plains Dwellers did?!"

"No, we didn't come here for them or to do any harm on anyone. We are just passing by this land." Bulls said.

"I don't trust you." The child replied.

"I understand where you are coming from. How are we going to gain your trust?" Bulls asked.

"I don't know! I will never trust any outsider." The child walked away, without taking his eyes away from them. "Don't follow m-"

The child slipped and fell off the steep cliff.



Guardian dived down the cliff and caught the falling child. He then flew back up and placed the child back to the ground.

"Are you okay?" They asked the child.

"I'm... fine." He mumbled with a teary eyes.

"State your name, child?" Thor asked.

"Ishikawa... Takahiro, a..." He introduced himself. "... ninja."

"A... ninja?" James felt shivers crawling down his spine.

"I am Thor, this big steel man is Guardian, that kid is James and the man that stopped you, that's Bulls." Thor introduced them. "Pleased to meet you."

"What should we call you?" Bulls asked.

"Hiro, they call me Hi-" Hiro stopped and crawled away from them. "Why am I even befriending with you? You are my enemy, our enemy, and as a ninja, I must eliminate you!"

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