Taking out the Trash- Chifuyu Matsuno

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Paring: Chifuyu Matsuno x gn!reader

A/n & Summary: just a small one shot using a dumb pick-up line I thought of a few months ago. I picked Chifuyu from Tokyo Revengers cause I thought he fit well with it. Let me Know what you think.

Word Count:825

Today is the day, I'm finally going to do it, I'm going to tell Chifuyu how I feel. You might be asking yourself what I mean, but don't worry I'll explain what's going on. You see, I've been close friends since Chifuyu joined Toman. It started out just hanging out after meetings with the gang, but as we got closer, we started hanging out after school and over time I've developed feelings for him. He's so happy and kind in spite of all the chaos going on with toman. He's the light in this dark time for me. I made my decision this morning before school.

We are hanging out at Chifuyu's place. He's sitting at his desk working on homework while I'm lying on his bed playing with Peke J, his cat. I'm just trying to think of the best way to tell him. I mean he's so funny and kind, I want to tell him in a way that reflects that. I could just tell him but that seems basic. So, I pulled out my phone and started looking for inspiration online, hoping I could think of something that would work.

"Hey Y/n, what you doing?" I was interrupted by Chifuyu turning around to start talking after the last hour was spent in silence. "I just finished my homework, so what should we do now?"

"Oh, I'm just looking at memes, we could always just watch something." I responded trying to hide the fact I was looking for cheesy pick-up lines to use on the blonde sitting in front of me. As I was talking, I thought of a pretty good one. I'm not sure if it will work but I'll have to try it out.

I looked back to Chifuyu as he started to get up and turn on the tv, to find something to watch. "What should we watch, you are the one to suggest it?" He asked me looking over his shoulder.

"I'm not sure, hey Fuyu, don't you think you should take out the trash?" I said deciding now would be the perfect time to try my idea and tell him how I feel. I watched him pause and process my words.

"What do you mean? Why would I take out the trash?" He asked, obviously confused and turning around completely to look at me.

"I was referring to myself, I'm trash, you should take me out." I said hoping he would understand what I was saying.

"Uh what do you mean? You're not trash, you're a great person. And what do you mean by take you out? I'm confused." I could see the wheels turning in his head as he processed what I said.

"I mean take me out, whether it's by taking me on a date or killing me. I think you should take me out." I responded with a slight chuckle.

"Wait, are you saying you like me?" He responded with a blush taking over his face. I decided I should probably just get it over with and tell it to him straight.

"Yes Chifuyu, I like you, a lot actually. I thought that dumb pick-up line would be perfect because you're always saying dumb stuff. But if you don't feel the same, that's fine." I said standing up from his bed after moving Peke J to rest on Chifuyu's bed. I had a blush creeping up on my face, "I'll just go, I'm sorry if I made things awkward." I started moving towards the door taking his silence as confirmation he didn't feel the same.

As I was about to open the door, I felt a hand grab my wrist and turn me around. I was met with Chifuyu less than a foot from my face and let out a small gasp in surprise. "I never said you made it awkward. In fact, I should probably tell you that I feel the same. I've liked you since I first met you, I've just been too scared to tell you." He said with the blush on his face getting darker.

I took a moment to take in what he was saying and once I realized what he was saying I leaned over and placed a peck on his cheek. "So does this mean you'll take me out?" I asked as I leaned back with a chuckle. The look on his face was priceless, his blush had somehow gotten worse, and he was gapping like a fish.

"Um-uh .... I mean yeah of course. Let's go for a ride and then we can get something to eat." Chifuyu said coming back to reality.

After we both got over our blush, we headed out. As I got on the back of Chifuyu's bike I couldn't help but smile. I had finally told the guy I like how I feel, and he feels the same. It's almost surreal but I can't wait to see where this goes.

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