Dayquil, Curses, and Soulmates - Toge inumaki

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Paring: Toge inumaki x gn! reader

Summary: In a world where soulmates are real, you get a bond that is quite annoying per say, you feel each other's pain, and your soulmate happens to be the one guy in the world that has a lifetime supply of throat medicine.

Word count: 1698

A/n: thought this was a fun idea, let me know how you like it, and big thanks to @just-jordie-things on tumblr for the bit about bumping into each other buying cough medicine. Also if you catch my reference you get a cookie.

For as long as i could remember i have always got random pain in my throat. I couldn't explain it but I would describe it as if I swallowed sand paper. When I was younger it used to happen all of the time. One moment I was fine and being a happy kid and the next I was coughing like I hadn't had water in days. Around the age of five though my parents took me to the doctor to see if they could figure it out. Turns out that out of all the soulmate connections I could have, I'm stuck sharing pain with my soulmate. I couldn't help but wonder what my soulmate was doing at such a young age to cause such pain so often.

At around the age of ten or so it stopped happening as often, but when it happened it sucked. I got used to always carrying around a bottle of cough medicine for when it happened so I could at least talk with less pain. I still have no clue as to what my soulmate does to give us such terrible sore throats but I'm at least glad they slowed down a bit.

Today was a normal Saturday which means going out to check the shops for any cool trinkets I might want and get some snacks. Even though I was going out to get fun things, my first stop was the corner store to pick up some more cough medicine as I ran out last week and forgot to get more.

I swear when I meet my soulmate they are paying me back for all this cough medicine I have to buy. I thought to myself as I entered the store I have been a regular at for the past two years since starting high school. I waved at the shop keeper as I walked off to the medicine aisle to grab my usual travel bottle of cough syrup and an extra just in case. As I reached for the medicine my hand bumped into someone else who seemed to be reaching for the same thing as me.

"Oh I'm sorry you were here first, you can go ahead." I said looking up at the stranger. Looking at them I would guess that they were a boy about my age with fluffy white hair and beautiful purple eyes. I also noticed he was wearing a school uniform with what looked like an extra long collar covering the lower half of his face. Even though I was confused by it, I tried not to stare at the handsome stranger in front of me.

He looked almost shocked when I spoke to him. He gave me a small nod, grabbed the medicine and walked away. I couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't said anything, but brushed it off as him being shy. After he reached the register I finally snapped out of my trance and grabbed my own bottles of cough medicine and headed to the front.

"Hey, there Y/n. Soulmate causing trouble again?" asked Ukai, the owner of the small business who is used to me coming in every couple weeks.

"Yeah, I wonder what they keep doing to cause this cause it's so annoying not being able to talk for an hour because of the pain." I responded not noticing the stranger from earlier freezing up for a second before leaving the store.

"Well kiddo, I hope you find them soon so you get some answers." He responded as he handed me my bag. "Have a good day and good luck with the soulmate."

After waving goodbye to the man behind the counter who was always kind to me I made my way towards the shops for the day. I was ready to just enjoy my time alone with my thoughts, mostly plotting revenge on my soulmate for this pain, but also just enjoying the fresh air.

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