Your Nickle Ain't Worth My Dime

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*Mariah's POV*

Jeydon broke out in laughter next to me. "This is the greatest thing I've ever seen!" he cried out. He tapped my shoulder and motioned for me to come see it. I turned my music down and moved closer to him and he pushed half the laptop onto my lap. It turned out he'd been watching a video of a baby goat moshing.

I laughed too. I couldn't help it. It was really possible that it was the stupidest video I had ever seen, but the baby goat was too damn cute not to laugh. "Where do you find these things?"

"What things?" Jamie asked as she walked into the room texting.

"You have to watch this video!" Jeydon said, still laughing.

"No. Sleeping with Sirens has a new video that we have to watch," she argued. She tucked her phone into the back pocket of her skinny jeans and took the laptop from Jeydon. A few seconds later, she sat down on the other side of Jeydon and took his hat just to mess with him.

It started as a news show, clearly not real, and then the song started playing. Jamie and I were singing along but Jeydon just shook his head. He clearly didn't understand what it was like to be a fangirl. It ended and Jamie just sighed.

"Talk about it on the show, right?" I asked her.

"Do we ever talk about anything else, Mya?" We didn't. Ever. We had a YouTube channel where we made stupid videos about either our shenanigans or talking about our favorite bands. We had a lot of subscribers and occasionally appeared on Jeydon's channel or sometimes, when he was near where we were, Damon Fizzy's.

Jamie reached to hit the replay button but Jeydon hit her hand away and closed the laptop. "Not on my computer." He cuddled it to his chest and stood up.

"But Jeydon! Please!" I begged. He looked down at me, his green eyed gaze saying 'you're gonna have to better than that.' I put on the puppy dog eyes and pouty lip and looked up at him, batting my eyelashes. "Pweeeeaaase, Jeydon."

Jamie joined in, brushing her chestnut brown bangs out of her face. She folded her arms in front of her and I did the same. I could see him caving. He could normally take just one of us. Just my big, begging blue eyes or just Jamie's puppy dog brown ones didn't phase him, but if you put those together, there was no way he could say no.

He cracked a smile as he placed the laptop back on Jamie's lap and took his hat back. "Fine! But I get to be in this video!" We nodded and found our way back to the video. "And you, Blondie," he scruffed my hair, "are going to make me dessert."

I giggled. "Sounds like a deal."

"Sounds like a bribe," Jamie mumbled.

"Nah. If I wanted to bribe you guys, I'd offer to make you coffee or tickets to Warped Tour."

Both of our heads shot up and we looked at him smiling. "Did you just offer us coffee and tickets to Warped?" Jamie squealed.


"Awww Jeydon!" I jumped up and hugged him tight, pecking him quickly on his cheek. "You're the best!"

He gave up fighting us and just hugged me back. "How do you want your coffee?"  


*A/N this is my first fan fiction but I write a lot so I hope you enjoy it!

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