All You Ever

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*Kellin's POV*

The man stood up straight, clenching his fists at his sides. Blood was staining his beard and I made me sick. Most of the time, I was nonviolent. Something about this guy, though, made my blood boil.

"Big mistake, singer boy," he growled. Before I knew it, his fist connected with my face. I stumbled backwards, clutching my cheek.

Now, it was personal. I didn't take too long composing myself before I pushed his back onto the ground. I know they say it isn't fair, but I was way beyond that now, so I kicked him while he was down.

He hopped back up, surprisingly fast for somebody with that large of a beer gut, and lunged at me. His hand hit my mouth, busting my lip. I tried my best to ignore the blood pouring into my mouth. His other hand knocked the wind out if me, making my double over and clutch my stomach. I saw swing for me again, and I closed my eyes, bracing for impact, but I never came.

I lay there, struggling for breath, until Damon helped me up and to the car. I was forced into the passengers seat, even though I would've rather driven. I looked behind me as Damon started the car to see Jeydon doing everything he could to keep Mariah awake. He had their fingers intertwined and was telling her some story that she weakly smiled at. If you looked at her and didn't see the bruises or scratches, you would never know she was in pain.

"Kellin," Jamie sighed. "You look awful."

"Thanks, Jay," I said sarcastically. "You look beautiful too."

I only saw her in the rear view mirror, but I thought I saw her blush. "I meant that you're bleeding."

I rolled down the window and spit a puddle of blood onto the ground outside just before Damon started to drive. "I know," I said quietly. My mouth tasted awful.

Jamie leaned forward and used the sleeve of a light blue sweater to wipe the blood off of my chin. I winced as she touched the cut in my lip. "Sorry," she mumbled as she pulled the sweater away. It had dark red stains on it now.

"Its fine," I assured her. "Thank you."

She sat back in her seat. "Step on it, Damon," she ordered. "We gotta get to a hospital." 


*Jamie's POV*

They took Mariah into a room and Kellin into another, which left Jeydon, Damon, and I in the waiting room. Damon was dozing off in one of the chairs, which was weird because they were really uncomfortable. I had to call Mariah's parents and tell them where we were, but decided the rest would be better to explain in person.

I went to sit back down next to Jeydon and found him staring at the door which led to where they had taken Mariah. He had dark circles under his eyes, but his hair, like always, looked just about perfect.

"Hey," I said, putting my hand on his back. "She's gonna be fine."

"I know," he whispered. "Its just, I fell horrible. Its all my fault."

"Why do you keep saying that? Its not anymore your fault than it is mine or-"

He interrupted me, which was out of character for him. "We had a fight and she wouldn't have taken off like that if I hadn't said what I did to her. And I saw her go onto the trails alone. I didn't do anything or go after her. It's my fault."

I rubbed circles on his back as he buried his face in his hands. "No, honey. That doesn't make it your fault," I said in what I hoped was a reassuring tone. 

He looked at me through his fingers. "I can talk to you, right?" he asked.

"Of course," I nodded. 

"I think I-" he paused. He looked over at Damon, who was fast asleep."I think I'm in love with her."

A smiled, despite the situation. "You think? I mean, I'd always kind of guessed."

"I didn't mean that I only think, I KNOW I'm in love with her," he corrected himself.

"Why do you look so sad when you say that?" I asked him, searching for his eyes, which were trained on the patterned carpet.

"It's just- Did I ever tell you about when I tried to kiss her?"

I was taken aback by this. I mean, I get that he wouldn't tell me about this, but this is important stuff for Mariah to tell me about. "No, so I think you should do that now."

"It was while you and Damon went out, the day that Kelin followed us all on instagram, we were talking after we watched 50 First Dates. I leaned in to kiss her, and she flinched away, and I felt awful. I mean, I guess I understood it and everything, because Douche Bag was her first and only kiss, but then this morning, I saw her and Kellin, over by the porta-potty. And- and the were kissing. And my heart broke because she flinched away from me but was more than willing to kiss Kellin."

Wait, she and Kellin? My heart clenched. He just left his wife and kid. Why the hell would she kiss him? I mean, she is the one who pushes every guy away, and why couldn't Kellin come talk to me? We wouldn't have kissed. Did he want to kiss her? Did she want to kiss him? I mean, she was 19 years old and could kiss whoever she wanted to, but... who kissed who? Were they more than friends? All of this made me feel jealous, and I didn't have a reason to be. But then again, Kellin wasn't only her celebrity crush. He was mine too. Maybe I liked him. Actually, there wasn't really a 'maybe' about it. I liked Kellin. 

"Oh. I'm sorry, love," I told him, pulling myself out of my jealous thoughts. "She doesn't know, though, right? I mean, about your feelings?"

"I haven't told her," he answered. "Do you think I-"

He didn't have time to finish because Mariah's parents walked in, hugging and kissing us all and bringing us our pajamas and blankets. Then we all just waited for good news. 

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