With Ears to See, Eyes to Hear

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*Mariah's POV* 

~1 week before warped tour

I woke up on Jamie's pull out couch with Jeydon curled up next to me. His toes were pressing into my thighs and his face was in my hair. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

Damon was curled up in the recliner with a blanket pulled over his face. I pushed the blanket off of me and searched around for my phone. Or Jeydon's phone. Or Damon's phone. Or anything that could tell me the time.

I found Damon's phone first. It was 7:30. Wow, I thought, I slept in. After I saw the time, I saw that he had a text. A text from Kellin Quinn.

From: Kellin Quinn

call me when you wake up. all of you

"Well, I guess its time for us to wake up," I smiled.

I ripped the blanket off of Damon and kicked the footrest down. I started to take the blanket off of Jeydon, but it turned into a game of tug-of-war. "I don't wanna wake up!" he groaned.

"Too bad! I want you to wake up!" I argued, tugging harder on the feather-down comforter.

"No," he said, tightening his grip.

"Yes." He was stubborn, but I could out-stubborn him anytime. "Get your lazy ass up."

He pulled harder when I called him lazy and I fell onto my butt, nearly off the bed. "What's the magic word?"




He smiled and dropped his blanket. "Good girl."

"Why so much noise so early in the morning?" Jamie yawned, walking into the living room. She already had a cup of coffee.

"Kellin wants us to call him. He texted Damon," I explained.

"Wait, you took my-"

"No time for that now, Damon," Jamie interrupted. "Just call the man!"

I clicked call and he answered way sooner than I would've expected. "Hey guys," he said.

"Hi, Kellin. Why are we calling you?" Jeydon asked.

"Warped is in your city in like a week right?" He asked.

"Six days, four hours, and 25 minutes." They all just looked at me.

"How do you know that?" They asked. I shrugged. I was excited. They just didn't get it.

"Anyways, we need some people to hang with and a place to eat breakfast. Would you guys mind being our people? Along with some of the other bands?"

"Does this make us those people who know the band?" I asked excitedly.

Kellin laughed. "Yeah, I guess it does."

"Sounds fun," Jamie smiled. "Call us when you get here."

When we hung up, it turned into a group-pajama-loud-music-happy dance. 


*Jamie's POV*

"We need celebration food, and we need better clothes to hang out with the band in," I said. I had just gotten out of the shower and still had a towel wrapped around my head.

Jeydon and Mariah were standing together near the stove, making pancakes and bacon. "Too bad we don't have any money," Mariah pointed out, stealing a piece of bacon.

"There are ways," I sighed, taking the towel off of my head.

"I get what you mean," Damon said. For a second, I thought he was serious. Big mistake. "I've gotten really good at robbery and theft lately."

"No." I took my phone out of my pocket and played Thrift Shop by Macklemore. "We go to thrift shops."

From what I knew, or at least what I had been told, Damon got a bunch of clothes there all the time. Mariah and I, we mainly stuck with sale days at the mall and hand me downs.

"Shopping day," Mariah sang as she brought the plate on pancakes over to the table.

After breakfast, we drove to all the nearest thrift shops. Well, Damon drove. We had no idea where any of these places were. We stopped at Tim Horton's on the way. Damon and I got iced caps, Jeydon got a smoothie, and Mariah got a water.

We got back to the house with new wardrobes that, in my opinion, were perfect for meeting your idol. I mean, they kind of had to be.

"Guys, we are those people that know the band," Mariah squealed excitedly. It was like all of our dreams were coming true. And, well, they kind of were.

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