With Ears to See, Eyes to Hear

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*Mariah's POV*

Video editing time. Well, not for me. Jeydon was laying on his bed, his laptop in front if him. He was propped up on his elbows, his chin resting on one of his hands. He didn't hear me come in, probably due to the headphones over his ears that played music I could hear from across the room. He was listening to One Direction. And mouthing the words to every song. And dancing as much as he could without getting up.

I pulled out my phone from the pocket of my sweatshirt and took a video, laughing the entire time. Somehow, he still didn't hear me. I tucked my phone away and walked up to him. I sat on his back, it being the most amusing way, for me, to get his attention.

He moved his headphones onto his neck and smiled up to me. "Hi," he said.

"Hi," I replied. "We have three days until warped tour, and you're listening to One Direction?"

"Of course. Is there something wrong with that?"

I nodded and took his phone from next to his laptop and unplugged his headphones. I pulled my phone back out and put on Memphis May Fire. "Listen to it and love it," I advised.

"For you, I guess I can." He turned back to his laptop. "Please get off of me, come lay next to me, and help me edit this video."

I did as he said. "This one pointless and hilarious, or one of the ones that makes me cry?" I asked him.

"I don't mean to make you cry," he pointed out.

"Yeah, I know, but it happens. And you didn't answer my question."

"Pointless and hi-Larry-ass. Shenanigans."

Shenanigans were our favorite things to do. We'd been kicked out of the Christmas Tree Shop countless times. Wal-Mart had people watching us most of the time we went in there, no matter which one. The only place I refused to get kicked out of was Barnes & Noble because, without my books, I would probably die.

We edited the video the best we could. Keeping the best parts and trying to keep the video under 10 minutes was a difficult task.

"Isn't this video supposed to be up today?" I asked, looking at the time.

"Yup," he said, popping the "p".

"Well, it's five to midnight. Shouldn't you do that now?"

He sighed. "Probably, but I need some fatty foods first." He smiled at me, and it was that expectant smile. The one where he knew I would go into his kitchen and grab all the fat filled foods that I could carry and bring them back.

I rolled my eyes and rolled off the bed, landing on my ass. "It'd probably be a good idea to WALK down the stairs," he advised.

"Thanks for the help." I stood up, jogged down the stairs to the kitchen, and grabbed every salt-covered-chocolate-filled-sugary-and-fattening foods that I could find. I turned around to go back up the stairs and Jeydon's mom stood there, not bothering to hide her amusement. The stack of food that I was carrying was probably taller than me. It may have weighed more too.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi, honey." She moved to let me through and called after me, "Don't you guys eat all of those in one sitting."

"Challenge accepted!" I yelled down.

Back in Jeydon's room, he had tucked his laptop back under his pillow and was staring at the ceiling, singing the chorus of his song Bright Eyed Beautiful Girl. I dropped everything I was carrying on him.

"You could have suffocated me," he whined. "I could have died!"

"I didn't want to kill you, but you probably will die from fattening foods."

"Or from being trampled by fangirls at Warped Tour."

I laughed, because it was a definite possibility. Even though there was a good possibility we would be trampled, we were those people who knew the band, and I couldn't wait to go. 


*Jeydon's POV*

I sat there, eating bags upon bags of chips and candy and pretzels and anything with more than 200 calories, but Mariah sat on the edge of my bed without eating a thing. In fact, I hadn't seen her eat much of everything in the past week or so. She normally could eat just as much as I could, but she hadn't been.

I held a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips (her favorite) towards her, offering it. She bit her lip and stared at the opening of the bag. I could've sworn that I saw something like longing in her eyes, but she just shook her head. "We're going out for dinner later," she said.

"Whatever," I mumbled, stuffing another handful of chips in my mouth.

Her eyes went over the food and she looked disgusted. I started thinking. When she had told me that she was going out to dinner, it had sounded more like an excuse than an explanation. It had been a while since she had eaten a full meal, that I've seen at least, but I was with her most of the time. Had she lost weight? I couldn't really tell. She didn't look much different to me, but they say that you can't see sudden changes in people you see everyday. But why would she stop eating? She didn't need to lose weight. Did she think differently? Was she trying to impress somebody? She was beautiful and she didn't need to lose weight, especially by not eating.

I started thinking about the faraway and really sad look that crept into her eyes sometimes. Did that have something to do with all of this? Could my best friend be depressed and starving herself to feel beautiful? And if she was, how could I not know?

I opened my mouth, which was no longer filled with food, to tell her that she was beautiful and perfect the way she was, but before I could, a new song came blasting through the speakers of her phone. "I love this song!" she cried, jumping off my bed and dancing around the room.

Right then, she seemed okay to me.

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