Better Luck Next Time

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*Jeydon's POV*

I woke up in Mariah's guest room, not sure how I got up here. The last thing I remembered was sitting on the floor in front of Mariah last night, watching TV while she read a book for the third time.

I rolled out of the bed, rubbing my eyes. I went into Mariah's room, surprised to find that I had woken up before her. She was curled up, with Pooh in front of her. She looked so cute and so innocent and so young. I climbed under the blanket behind her. Finding comfort instantly at the softeness of her blankets and pillows, along the warmth of her.

I pushed myself against her, burying my face in her hair and wrapping my arm around her waist. "Jeydon," she mumbled groggily.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Almost 8. Why?"

She shrugged and rolled over to face me. "How'd you sleep?"

I shrugged. "You?"

She pulled Whinnie the Pooh out of underneath the blanket and sat him between us. "Pooh kept me up all night."

"Really?" I grabbed the stuffed animal and poked his soft and plushy stomach. "Don't you know that Mariah needs her sleep?" She giggled softly next to me. "What was so important that he wouldn't let you sleep?"

"He had a fangirl attack," she sighed with a big smile on her face.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, smiling over at her. "You know, you have guests downstairs who  would probably love to be woken up."

"You think?" she asked. She sat up, my arm falling onto her leg, and scooped Pooh into her arms. "What do you think, Pooh?" I reached over and moved his head to be like a nod."Well then. If Pooh wants to, I say we shall."

"You're so weird," I whispered. She reached over and punched me in the arm. "I meant it in a good way!"

She ran downstairs, tripping over the hem of her striped pajama pants. By the time I got down there, she was already sitting on an angry and tired Jamie. "Get off of me! Get off of me!"

Mariah was smiling triumphantly. This normally went the other way around. Kellin looked up from his spot on the couch and smiled when he saw what all the noise was about.  

"Talk about a rude awakening," Jamie growled, pushing Mariah off of her and onto the floor.

Kellin laughed and both girls attention went to him. "See what you do, Jamie! You woke up Kellin!" Mariah said, scruffing Jamie's bed head.

"Oh, hush you," Jamie reputed. "Like you weren't planning on doing the same damn thing."

"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't." Mariah stood up, with her arms crossed over her chest. "Who wants breakfast?"

We all raised our hands and she made us pancakes and bacon, her all time favorite breakfast. I pained me though, to watch her eat a few pieces of bacon while she cooked, and just watch us eat the rest of the time. I thought we had moved past this. I had watched her closely, making sure she was eating. 


*Mariah's POV*

They were all eating, but Jeydon was tuned out of the conversation and watching me. "What?" I asked him.

"Nothing," he shrugged.


"So what is there to do around here?" Kellin asked.

"Nothing," Jamie answered.

"We have a mall," I suggested.

"But no money," Jeydon pointed out.

"We don't buy anything anyways," I argued."We just go to go."

"I'll go," Kellin said.

"I can't," Jeydon and Jamie said at the same time.

"Okay," I said quietly. I hadn't been to the mall without the both of them in forever. "I'll go with you, Kellin." 


I got out of Kellin's car, anxiety hitting me at the sight if all the people. I started twisting the strings of my sweatshirt and watching my feet as we walked.

Kellin bumped me lightly. I looked up at him. "You okay?" he asked.

I nodded. Normally, I wouldn't worry about people looking at me here, but now I had Kellin Quinn walking with me. People would notice that.

"One time, the guys and I tried to go to the mall before a show, and.." He went into a story about how, in the end, they were hiding in the changing rooms of Aeropostale from a group of fangirls.

I laughed through most of it, seeing the whole thing in my head. "Well, and I hope I don't jinx this, if you get attacked my fangirls, I can navigate this mall better than my own house."

"Good," he said nodding. "Because I have a feeling we may need it."

And I jinxed it. I had no wood handy to knock on, and a group of girls came running out of the food court. Kellin noticed before I did, grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him. "Now where is the closest store we can hide in?" he asked me. I could barely hear him over the running girls, his keys jingling in his back pocket, and the normal loudness of the mall.

I made a sharp turn into a Hollister, pulling him with me. We fumbled up the steps, him holding tight onto my hand. We ran into nearly six mannequins, and I apologized to each of them. We ran into the changing rooms, standing on the stool in the corner and tugging the curtain closed.

It was a small stool, and he had his arms around me to keep me from falling off. "Is this normal?" I asked, breathing heavy and laughing a little.  

"Kind of, but we normally don't know where to go," he laughed. "This is the girls changing room, isn't it?"

I looked around and nodded. "Mhm."

I got off the stool and peered around the curtain. They were in the store, but didn't know we were here. "What do you normally do-?"

His phone rang and cut me off. He pulled it out of his back pocket and looked down at the screen. "Its Jesse."

"Answer it."

"Hello?" He said. The phone was on speaker, which probably wasn't the best idea. There were fangirls right outside.

"Kellin, where the fuck are you?" Jesse's voice came through the speaker. He sounded pissed off and concerned, just like any good friend would if they woke up in the morning to find out that their band mate just disappeared.

"At the mall," Kellin answered.

"What mall, smart ass? Katelynne told me that you left."

Kellin flinched at Ketelynne's name. "She made me. I didn't want to. But I'm at the Boulevard Mall in Buffalo."

"By yourself? I can come-"

"No, Jesse. Mariah and Jamie and Jeydon are here."

I could hear the girls outside, probably noticing Kellin's voice and crowding around the door. "Kellin," I whispered, pointing to the door.

"Shit," he cussed under his breath. "I have to go, Jesse. I'm fine, though. I'll call you later."

He hung up before he could answer and took my hand again. We jerked the curtain open, and he pulled me past the screaming girls. "Sorry!" he said. "I'm busy! Gotta go!"

We made it to Hot Topic and ran inside, hiding behind the corner and having the workers protect us. I propped myself up on the counter and sighed.

"I wish I could just forget everything for a day," Kellin mumbled. "Everything."

I put my hand on his shoulder and shook my head. He leaned his back against me. "Me too," I sighed.

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