Don't Charge Me For The Crime

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*Jeydon's POV*

Was I right or was I right? Every single time. I walked into the living room, carrying a bowl of Mac and cheese for Mariah. She needed to eat something.

Then I see them. Mariah and Kellin just about to kiss. I guess it's pretty much what they always do when I'm around. I cleared my throat obnoxiously loud and they turned around.

"Hey," Kellin said awkwardly.

"What's up, Jey?" Mariah asked. Even if I wanted to, I honestly didn't think that I could stay mad at her. And, if I didn't have her, I don't know what I would do with all my time.

"I, uh, brought you some food," I mumbled, setting the bowl down on the table. I hoped I didn't look too angry.

"Thanks, love," she smiled, but she didn't pick up the bowl. She barely even glanced at it.

I nodded and turned around to leave. I tried to ignore what I saw, but I couldn't. I saw Mariah's fingers dancing around Kellin's. Then he snatched her hand, and held it, smiling over at her.

I left before I could see anything else, deciding that I would check later to see if she ate anything.

For now, I needed to find out how to ignore this. I would not let myself be angry with her, or at her, or even at him. I could always blow off steam talking to Jamie, right? She did say I could talk to her, and she knows about all of this. I just kind of felt like I wanted to scream. And kick something. And maybe put my fist through a wall.

Ugh. Love is so complicated.


*Jamie's POV*

"They were almost kissing... again," Jeydon sighed, plopping down on Mariah's bed. "He's got stitches in his lip for goodness sake! Shouldn't that be a complication or something?"

I clenched my fists at my side and bit my lip, making some sound of agreement. It was enough for him to continue.

"I completely changed my mind. I was going to tell her, and then I saw that. How am I supposed to compare to him? How am I supposed to compete with the person she has loved for years? I know, you're probably going to tell me that it was just a celebrity crush, but meeting him and kssing him and holding his hand are thing that she has always dreamt of."

Not just her, I thought. He was mine too. Those were what my dreams were about. Well, I mean that and the occasional dream about unicorns and princesses. I think, now, she was taking this whole "living your dreams" thing too seriously. I guess that kind of makes me a hypocrite, doesn't it? I don't want to be, but I've finally met my idol and crush, so why shouldn't I be a little jealous. Hell, I used to be jealous of Katelynne, and she was his wife. I get that being jealous of her was sort of redundant, considering... everything that has hapenned in that past few days. 

"Don't you think?" Jeydon asked me, snapping me out of my head. 

"Um... sure," I answered, not even really sure what he said. Maybe I should have been paying attention. 

"You weren't even listening, were you?"

Shit. He caught me. He knows me too well. "Sorry," I shrugged. 

"I could've just told you that my 56 year old, 367 pound Uncle Jimmy was going to become an underware model, and you would be the perfect photographer, and you just would've agreed."

"Your Uncle Jimmy lost weight?"  I tried to take the heat off of myself. I really didn't even know how much his Uncle Jimmy had weighed before. Quite honestly, I didn't even know he had an Uncle Jimmy.


"Just tell me what I should really be agreeing with, please."

He gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes. "Don't you think that there's a big chance that he could turn out to be another Douche Bag?"

Good thinking, Jey. That is just the way that we could scare her out of being with him. I however, have gotten over pretty much all my ex-douche bags, so I was in the clear. "Yeah, actually. Huge chance."

I found a way, now I just need to plan out how to make it work. I had a map forming in my head, but that was suddenly (and rudely, might I add) interrupted by a gunshot and the shatter of glass. Aw, hell. What else could go wrong?

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