Pretend It's OK

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*Damon's POV*

I was sat on the couch, going through and editing the video Mariah and I had made last night. I loved having her, Jamie, and Jeydon here, and I knew they loved being here too. At least, I know Mariah does. I was kind of "pulling a Mariah" right now, as some would say. I was editing a video, on Twitter, and humming along to Taylor Swift.

Jeydon walked into the room, falling onto the couch next to me and making an obnoxious groaning noise. I ignored him and focused on a tweet somebody had sent me. Only about 15 minutes ago I had tweeted, "New video up soon with @myatrietley (: <3".

@messyhurrandpeacetea: I WILL GO DOWN W/ THIS SHIP. @deefizzy and @myatrietley are perf

I laughed and clicked the hashtag and started scrolling through, laughing to myself as I went.

"New OTP? I think YES. #Dariah ship it or leave my presence."

"nah man, #dariah isn't where it's at. I ship #meydon whole heartedly. @jeyyounit11 and @myatrietley"

"I think it's time some #dariah fan fiction is written. GET WORKING ON IT."

"how does one chose between ships? #dariah or #meydon or #damie or #jadie. i just i cant"

Jeydon made another walrus noise like he was dying and flopped around. "Did you know people ship is with the girls?" I asked him.

He sat up, looking annoyed and angry at the fact that I hadn't acknowledged his clear internal pain. "No," he sighed.

"There's Meydon, which is you and Mya. There's Dariah, which is Mya and me. There's Damie, which is me and Jamie. And then there's Jadie, which is you and Jamie," I told him, laughing and scrolling down again.

"Really?" he asked, sounding suddenly interested. He sat up straight and moved so he could see the screen. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and clicked a button, holding it up to his ear. He put it back on his lap a few seconds later, then tried it again. Then a few more times before standing up and pacing back and forth.

I closed my laptop and stood up too. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Mariah isn't answering her phone," he answered, running his hands through his hair anxiously.

"Last I heard, she was pretty angry with you. Are you sure she isn't ignoring you?"

He shook his head. "It rang the whole time, so she didn't deny the call. And, no matter how mad she was at me, she wouldn't ignore me that many times." He walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him, then coming out a few minutes later dressed in jeans and a tee shirt.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, following him towards the front door.

"We're going to save her," he answered simply. So today I'm going to be a super hero. SUPER FIZZY!


*Mariah's POV*

I opened my eyes in some weird room with my arms handcuffed to a pipe going down the wall and a throbbing headache. I was, no doubt, in a bad place of a city that I had never been in before yesterday. Ugh.

I tried to sit up, but the cuffs pinched my wrists. I gave up and just laid back against the wall. I heard a voice from across the room that was pleasantly familiar.

Jamie was yelling some cuss words and insults. I had to contort my body in a way that I didn't know I could bend to see her. Her wrists were tied to some pipes across the room from me. She didn't seem to notice me, or if she did she didn't show it. She just kept yelling. "You have no fucking right to do this!" she shouted to somebody who we couldn't see. "You're some lowlife who gets joy out of kidnapping the girls you could never get? Huh? All the girls who remind you of the ones who rejected you in high school?"

There was no answer, and the room was silent except the steady beat of my heart and our shallow breaths. Well, until Jamie's anger took over again. "Answer me! Or are you scared of a little girl, huh?"

"Jamie," I sighed. "What are you doing?"

"Something. I suggest you try it sometimes."

Okay, ouch. I do things! I'm just a really non-confrontational person! "Don't take this out on me," I told her.

"Fine," she huffed. "If this COWARDLY ASSHOLE would come in here, maybe I could take it out on him!" Jamie had quite the temper, and wasn't really tolerant of ignorant assholes. As of right now, her temper might just end up getting us in trouble. I didn't know why we were locked in a room, or why we were restrained to pipes on the wall, but I knew that it couldn't possibly be good in any way.

"Jamie, calm down. If he really came in here, we wouldn't be able to do anything against him."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "As if you'd even try. You'll end up getting us all killed one day because you're too afraid to do anything to defend yourself or us." I knew this was just how she got, and she probably didn't mean most of what she said, but it didn't make it hurt any less. "I JUST WANT TO BEAT THIS DOUCHEY DICK HEAD AND BASH HIS GODDAMN HEAD AGAINST A WALL!"

I bit my lip as I heard heavy footsteps growing closer and closer. The door flew open and the man from the street walked in. "Oh for heaven's sake, shut up!" he snapped.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jamie demanded. "You kidnap me and bring me here, then tell me to shut up? I'm the guest here, so I suggest you be nice."

"This isn't a hotel, little girl," the man spat, walking over to her and hitting her hard on the back of the head. Her eyes closed and she slumped against the wall, losing all the angry energy from a few moments before.

The man turned on me next, a scary smile creeping across his face. Part of me was screaming for me to look away, but I was not going to give up that easily. I met his eyes. "You," he said. "You're just a tiny little girl. I think we ought to get some meat on those bones. Our men like women with curves."

'Our men'? What men? "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked him, hoping that my voice didn't shake.

He chuckled bitterly. "You don't know much, do you? You should get outside more often, my little YouTuber." I raised my eyebrows, waiting for the explanation I had been asking for. "Guys want you, honey. I am going to make money- a whole bunch of it- off of you. But let me ask you," he crouched down so our eyes were level, "Are you still a virgin?"

It all clicked. He was a pimp, and he was going to sell me to 'his men' for sex. He was disgusting, and now I wanted to bash his head into a wall too. When I didn't answer his question, he guessed the answer for himself and continues talking. "That's going to change, darling." He put his hand on my upper thigh and my breath caught- not in the good way, might I add. He went up a little further, so that his fingertips brushed the line of my underwear. I flinched, causing him to laugh lightly and me to wince at the pain in my bound wrists. "Maybe we can get you some food first," he said, running his hand back down my thigh, then up to my hip. I felt like throwing up, but I just looked at him defiantly. "Or we could do this first."

I forced a bitter smile and scoffed. "I'd rather die."

"Than do what?" he asked, putting his other hand behind my knee. "Eat? Or what I really want to do?"

"Both," I admitted.

He just shook his head, chuckling and standing up. "We'll see how you feel later, babe. I will be back."


*A/N woah. pretty intense, right? I tried to add in some humor, because nobody really likes those obnoxiously serious fan fictions that makes it seem like the people never laugh and are only ever miserable. At least I don't. Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please, COMMENT, VOTE, and KEEP READING. thanks again(: xoxo

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