All You Ever

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*Mariah's POV*

I hated hospitals. I hated being in them when I wasn't injured. I hated the smell and the cleanliness and just the though in general. Knowing that people were sick and dying all around me freaked me out.

But, I guess I needed it. I had a fractured ankle, a minor concussion, and a bunch of ribs out of place, but I was alive. It kind of hurt to breath and I was too anxious to sleep. I just wanted to see my friends and my parents. And Kellin.

Kellin, the guy who busted his lip fighting the guy who kidnapped me. Wow, that's something I never thought would happen. I pulled the blanket off of me and, despite the doctor's orders, grabbed a pair of crutches and stumbled through the door.

In the waiting room, Kellin and Jamie were sleeping in their chairs, Damon was listening to music, my parents were on their phones, and Jeydon was looking directly at me, like he'd been waiting for me the entire time.

"Hey, guys," I smiled as I walked into the room.

"Are you allowed to be out of your room?" Jeydon asked, but he already knew the answer.

"No," I giggled, shaking my head. The whole action caused me pain. My head throbbed and my ribs were sore.

Jeydon stood up, I noticed he was in a pair of flannel pajama pants, and came over to me. In one of his hands, he carried one of my baby blankies. In the other, he had my Whinnie The Pooh.

"Awww, Jeydon!" I cried, pushing my crutches away and hugging him. He hesitated to hug me back.

"Are you sore?" He asked, pulling away but keeping his arm around my waist.

"A little," I shrugged. "Are you?" I saw he had little scratches and bruises around his face and hands, probably the only things that can get scratched while wearing riding gear.

He shook his head, then smiled. "You look rediculous in that hospital gown," he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away lightly. "Thanks, Jey." My mom looked up from her phone and hit my dad's leg, making him look up too. They stood up, catching Damon's attention. He took out his ear buds and chucked one of his shoes at Jamie to wake her up. She elbowed Kellin, and then they were all awake and looking at me. I felt really awkward, even if it was my friends and family. As Jeydon had pointed out, I looked rediculous in this hospital gown.

"You should be laying down!" my mom chastised. Well, I guess just the fact that I lived through that was of no importance to her.

"I'm fine," I assured her.

She shook her head. "No. No you're not. I'm going to get a doctor." She grabbed my dad's wrist and pulled him along.

"You better get back in your room and act like a sweet innocent girl that never got out of bed," Damon advised.

"I am sweet and innocent, thank you very much," I argued.

"But you got out of bed," Kellin pointed out.

"I'll tell them my sanity was at stake." Which, I mean, was kind of true. I hated hospitals, and I probably would have had an anxiety attack had I not come out here.

"Then come sit down," Damon said, patting the seat beside him.

"Jamie and I will go get some coffee," Jeydon mumbled as him and Jamie ran out of the room.

I took the seat next to Damon and put my feet up on the chair in front of me. One of my feet was wrapped in a dark blue cast and I hated everything about it. "I am definitely not a fan of the whole 'restricted movement' thing," I told them.

Kellin moved into the other seat next to me. "You don't seem it," he observed. "Other than that, how do you feel?"

"Fine," I answered. I really wasn't one to complain. I mean, yeah, I was in a cast but my best friends were getting me coffee. "What time is it?"

"Like, 4 in the morning," Damon said, checking his phone.

I looked over at Kellin, who had stitches in his bottom lip. "Does that hurt?"

He made face trying to see his own lips that made me chuckle. "Nah, I'm fine."

"It looks hot," I told him, smiling and nodding. Damon laughed and agreed next to me. "You should keep it. It's bad ass." 


*Kellin's POV*

"It's bad ass," Mariah giggled, then winced like it caused her pain. She waved away my and Damon's looks of concern and shook her head. "I'm fine."

My phone rang and I picked it up, walking to the other side of the room. "Hello?" I answered.

"You are not at Mariah's house," Justin's voice came through the speakers.

"No, I'm not," I replied. "I'm at the hospital."

"You're at the hospital?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. Some stuff happened."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Oh, you know. The usual. Mariah just fell down a cliff kind of thing and.. oh yeah! You guys remember that weird guy from the rest stop? Well, he kidnapped her and busted my lip open."

"Holy shit! Where are you?"

"I told you. At the hospital. We will be back soon. Just wait for us."

I hung up before he could answer and looked back over at Mariah and Damon. He was holding her Winnie The Pooh way above her head and making her reach for it. She stood on the toes of her good foot and was trying to pull his arm down. Why must he torture her? He's like her annoying yet protective older brother.

I walked over there, deciding to save the damsel in distress, and pulled the stuffed animal down. "Here you go," I smiled, tossing it to her.

"My hero," she sighed, staying on her toes long enough to ruffle my hair. "Shanks."

"Is that all I get?" I whined, pouting my stitched lip.

"What else were you expecting?"

"I don't think you should get much else for ruining my fun," Damon mumbled. She elbowed him.

I pointed to my lips and smiled. She shook her head and pointed to my cheek. "What? Why?" I asked her.

"You have stitches, smart one."

"Fine," I sighed, and let her kiss my cheek.

Then Jeydon and Jamie walked in, carrying a tray of Tim Horton's coffee and donuts. What a day, I thought.

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