CHAPTER 1: Reunion

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Word count: 2759

𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ℍ𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒 𝕒𝕣𝕔

'A family...
What is that?
How does it work?
Is it only about dna?'

'... No'

'It is not even about that'


"Teruko Kirumi"
"Yes Master?"
"Would you accept to become a Hashira?"

"... My deepest apologies but I deny"

5 years... It's been 5 years since she joined the corps.

It's been 3 and a half years ever since she was requested to become a Hashira for the first time.

It's been 2 and a half years since she was requested to become a Hashira for a second time.

It's been 3 years and a half ever since she was taken dead by the only person that acknowledged her.



"What is it demon slayer? Tired already?"

'How is a demon, who isn't even close to the twelve kisuki, this fast?'

'It was probably created only to escape and eat'

"Light breathing: Third form: Light sprint"

And with a simple slash... The demon was gone

"How... how did you do that? I was as fast as Tsu... Tsubasa" After saying that single name, Kirumi only saw tears in the eyes of the person who, now, she thought was a kid

"Such a young person... I feel bad for you... You should've known better" Kirumi coldly said, making the demon mad

"You know nothing! I just wanted to walk and run with my fri-!"

"Your friends would be afraid of you now that you ate them" Kirumi started cleaning her sword with a handkerchief, before placing it inside its sheath.

"I could pity you, if you regretted, but you don't seem like it... I guess I made no mistake in not being gentle... Don't go to heaven please... You will ruin it for everyone who deserves it" And with that, Kirumi left the place towards her own house, not before sending the Master a small report

"... This looks terrible... I should've come last week"

Kirumi didn't exactly live in one place, she would usually stay somewhere close to where she had her last mission until she was assigned another one

But tonight was different, she needed to check on her place, she, at least, needed to make sure that her house still existed

It was 4 am when she fell asleep since she could just not sleep in a dirty place and she woke up at 9 am since she heard her crow call for her

"Caw! Master wants to meet you in the Headquarters! Caw! Head to the headquarters immediately! Caw!"

'Meet me? Again?'


Kirumi could only deadpan at her crow before saying a low "I understood" and rushing out of her house while following her crow

1 hour later

Kirumi had arrived to the headquarters, but, because her crow wouldn't stop telling her to hurry since she was "terribly" late, she had to run inside of the headquarters, making her slightly bump into someone, but she only muttered a "sorry" without turning back because of the annoying bird

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