CHAPTER 33: Her own mission

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Word count: 977


"Oyakata-sama... I'll take care of this"


'Kibutsuji Muzan'

The man who killed thousands of people.

The man who broke apart thousands of families

The man who she was supposed to despise and hate the most...

Yet, she didn't...

He had started it all... But the strongest of the demons... left everything they had and turned into selfish, disgusting demons

They were... the ones who Kirumi loathed the most...

They were disgusting creatures that made Kirumi want to puke

They were creatures that didn't deserve to live, even as humans

Are all demons bad? No.

Are all humans good? No.

So, why do we trust?

Where does it come from?

It was... useless

We can't trust anyone...

Not even oneself


Kirumi didn't think much about how bad it would be to leave the Light Estate after a long time

She hadn't gone out in weeks

Walking on dirt or grass felt so odd and uncomfortable

The different sounds of natures suddenly overwhelmed her

But, she had a task to complete. She promised herself that she would not back down from this mission


Weirdly enough, Kirumi was not even a little tired

Her legs didn't hurt.

Her body didn't feel like dying.

Her mind wasn't telling her to stop.

But it didn't matter if her mission wasn't located here

She was still a Hashira after all

She had to stop

Kirumi slid open the small cabin's door

She was in the middle of the woods, and she could feel it in herself that there were quite the quantity of demons lurking around

But, in this cabin, there was only one demon... and three humans

Three humans who, surprisingly... made an uncomfortable, almost painful sensation, rise from her throat

The smell of their blood, the look of their destroyed bodies, the look of their lifeless eyes that seemed to stare deep into her soul

It all made Kirumi want to immediately leave the cabin, it made her feel sick to the pit of her stomach

"This... is a weird thing to take a part of... Demon slayer"

The demon opened its disgusting mouth as it stood up with a bright, taunting smile, as if it was proud of its piece of art

Kirumi quickly snapped out of her trance and stared away from the lifeless bodies

She had no business with this demon. She couldn't lose time here. Her mission would get fulfilled tonight

And she would keep that promise

"Light breathing: Second form: Raid strikes"

Kirumi dashed at the demon and without even letting the demon back away, she swung her sword in different directions while lightly ripping open the demon's skin, and injecting  poison from the tip of her blade into the demon's system

She sheathed her sword as soon as she finished cleaning the blood away as the demon scrunched in pain behind her

But Kirumi just ran out of the cabin. Staring deep into the forest


Seeing such dark place sent shivers down Kirumi's body

She stared up and down at the big and dark structure she was facing at the moment

It looked old, crumbled... and just... dirty

But it gave off such powerful aura

Like a door straight into hell

Kirumi stepped into the old place, her steps creating a gentle echo as they collided with the rocks on the ground

There was a light mist that dispersed through the area, making her vision a little less useful

But she had other four senses. She could work with that

She looked back at the entrance, where Suki stood, on top of a small rock

Truth to be told, Kirumi had to do everything in her power for Suki to not say anything about this mission

The master wasn't the overprotective type of person. He was a person who would do his best at keeping his "children" safe, he would give them everything he could

So, as fate struck, he would only give his best wishes for them and hope... that he gave enough

But, that didn't mean he was careless about what happened to the slayers... Mostly to the Hashiras

He wasn't a selfish person, but as a matter of fact... The hashiras were the strongest slayers

He couldn't risk losing them, he had to do his very best so that they would all survive... And fight against Kibutsuji

They were already one hashira down, in fact, at the moment... They were more than one Hashira down

He had to protect everyone he could… He had to make sure that most of the slayers survived

"Stay there, and whatever happens... Don't call for backup"

Kirumi wanted to finish this mission herself... she wanted to be the one who gave the final blow...

Just this once... She didn't want to be overshadowed...

She wanted to show that she was strong enough to do this

After countless times of getting overshadowed by her colleagues and even lower ranked slayer...

She wanted to show... that she was worthy of doing this... that she didn't do this uselessly...

As Kirumi stepped further into the place, her steps grew heavier, the echo becoming louder every second

The moment she took her first step into this place, she was confident that she could do this...

That she could fulfill her mission...

But now... She wondered... Would she find the one she was searching for?

Or would she find someone else?

Taisho era secret

▪︎ Someone was very mad when they were told Kirumi had requested to take a break.



How are you all doing? I hope you're doing great

I've been dying, with the warm weather, and with me getting sick for literally two weeks

I am much better, but yeah

Anyway, thank you for reading up to this chapter

Well, don't forget to vote and comment if you liked this chapter! 🤗

Byeeee 👐

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