CHAPTER 3: A siblings bond

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Word count: 1413


3 months later

It had been 3 months since Kirumi started being a Hashira and training, once again, under Giyuu

Since they're both Hashira, it could be considered they're training each other, But right now, Kirumi was one of weakest Hashira, so training under Giyuu seemed to be a better description

"You need to work on your stamina" Giyuu said while drinking water

'I did not need to hear that, i feel like I'm going to die... and he just-... Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, he's your mentor, you can't kill him' Kirumi was heavily panting and the worst was that she needed to go to her estate, then do her night patrols and the next morning was the semi-annual Hashira meeting

'I should've stayed sleeping instead of coming here'

"Caw! Tomioka Giyuu, The master requires your presence! Caw! Head to the headquarters immediately! Caw!" Giyuu's crow said making Kirumi's eyes light up

"I'm going back to my estate... thank you for the training" Kirumi bowed down before rushing out

The next morning

"Caw! Head to the headquarters! The Hashira meeting will take place in 40 minutes!" Suki said

"I'll be going" Kirumi answered while leaving her bed

Her estate wasn't that personalized, it has only been a month since they finished building it and she was too lazy to buy decorations

Mitsuri had visited her once and she couldn't deny that she was very likeable, if Kirumi would allow herself to, they would probably be good friends, but for now, she's good company

In 30 minutes, Kirumi had arrived to the headquarters and she just waited until Oyakata would arrive to go in or else the wanting to punch someone would be too strong

"The Master... has arrived"

Kirumi was too distracted to listen to the children that she almost, almost enters late

But her crow had slapped her before that could happen

'Can't she be gentler? Tsk'

"Good morning everyone... the weather is great today" The Master started speaking

"I fervently pray for your continued good fortune" The boy with the scars said

"Thank you for your prayers Sanemi" The master said

'Right, his name is Sanemi'

"Before we start the Hashira meeting, would you mind enlightening us about the Kamado Tanjiro travelling with a demon situation?" Sanemi continued

"Right. I apologize for startling you all. About the Kamado situation... I have decided to dismiss the situation... I hope you can do the same" Oyakata said

'... Who are we talking about? Someone travelling with a demon... How interesting'

'Everyone, except Mitsuri, a boy who I don't know the name of and Giyuu kept disagreeing and i can't say much, if Oyakata said that... i can't do anything'

"Please. The letter" Oyakata said to one of the children

"Yes. Master"

"This is a letter received from a former Pillar, Urokodaki Sakonji. I shall read you an abridged version. "Please allow Tanjiro to be accompanied by his sister, a demon. Because of her resilient mental strength, Nezuko has not lost her human emotions. Even in a starved state, she never devoured humans, and this has held true more than two years later. Although the situation seems somewhat far-fetched, it is an indisputable fact. In the event that Nezuko does assault a human, Kamado Tanjiro, as well as Urokodaki Sakonji and Tomioka Giyuu will atone by committed seppuku"." One of the children said

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