CHAPTER 12: Defeated

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Word count: 1019


"Pff... Amazing~ Amazing~!"

The demon's fallen head slowly turned around and talked again

"Let's get serious~"

The demon opened its eyes, showing his real identity

Lower moon 1

"Ha!" The demon's body was behind its head, reaching its arms out to hold its head "Amazing~ I get to fight 2 Hashiras~" Its head was now on its arms, swiftly getting raised towards its neck "What a dream~"

The demon was now completely fine, not a single scar or scratch on its body

Kirumi tried to keep her mind calm, but she had no idea how to do that right now

The demon had just survived being beheaded...

"Surprising, isn't it? Don't understimate us~" He paused and smirked "I am killing you both today" He said the last line in a whisper tone, before charging at Shinazugawa

He fastly dodged it and moved away while trying to figure out how to kill this demon that seemed... unkillable

"What? Feeling afraid?" The demon giggled smirked at Shinazugawa, who was just looking at it, not attacking, because he knew it would probably be useless

"Light breathing: Sixth form: Light strikes" Kirumi attacked the demon, just wanting to try and see... if any of her abilities could help

Kirumi landed on othe other side of the demon and she turned around only to see that...

Her poison had not worked on the demon...

The demon laughed at her and smirked "What did you even try to do? I didn't even feel anything" It laughed and looked at Kirumi

While she just didn't know what to do

'The poison should've... It should've done something...'

Kirumi was completely clueless and was about to give up, she didn't have any other ability to use anymore...

'I can't do anythi-'

"Don't even think of giving up!"

Kirumi looked at Shinazugawa with an empty, but slightly anxious expression

She seriously had no idea what to do, she had no hidden abilities and she didn't have the right mentality to keep fighting on this... unwinnable fight

"Ohh~" The demon falsely pouted "Giving up already? How unfortunate~"

Kirumi was starting to get anxious and stressed... She couldn't escape this


Kirumi was tired. They have been dodging and blocking attacks for hours now

She would've attacked... If it made any sense to do so

But this was a never ending fight... A fight that couldn't be won... No matter what...

"Would you die already!?" Shinazugawa shouted out while blocking another attack

Kirumi kept blocking attacks and trying to find a way to make the demon die or, at least, stop attacking... But then she heard a pained and strained scream

She blocked another attack before she ran away when she felt like there was danger somewhere close by

"Yah! Where the hell are you going!?"

Kirumi ignored his question and kept running towards where she heard that scream from

A few steps later, Shinazugawa was besides her

"You better be doing this for a good reason"

The demon was following them and throwing attacks, but they just dodged and kept their track

After some more minutes, they reached a small, dark house

Both Hashiras then heard another pained scream and Shinazugawa immediately rushed into the house, with Kirumi following him

And what they saw was just... disgusting

There was blood all over the place, clothes, blocks and water on the floor and couch

They looked to their left and saw two little kids laying on the floor, who were probably already dead, their clothes were stained with a lot of blood

Kirumi was about to go towards them to check if they showed any signs of life, but before she could, she heard another scream from what looked to be another room

Shinazugawa and Kirumi went into the room and saw another disgusting scene

There was a demon, crouching down, giving them its back, while he was festing on a woman's body

'We're late...'

"Hmmh... Seems like I've been discovered~" The demon turned around and stood up

Lower moon 1

Kirumi could finally understand what happened before

It all started to make sense... Why that demon couldn't die...

"Well, well~... You're late... They're all dead~" The demon smiled, implying that he was proud of what he did

"A whole family dead... It fills my heart with satisfaction~... You two are ne-"


"Just shut up once and for all"

Kirumi saw the demon desintegrating, its body now on the floor

"Uh...? You killed me?... Woah, that was fast" The demon laughed

And a few seconds later, it had completely desintegrated

Kirumi sheathed her sword and never stopped staring where the demon was laying before

She had, once again, done nothing...

Kirumi then looked at the woman's lifeless and completely destroyed body

By now, Kirumi had already seen things like these... But this had happened while she was a few meters away...

That woman had made her last call for help while she was in the same house...

Kirumi looked away and started walking out of the room

"You did a good job..."

Kirumi stopped in her tracks when she heard that

"... I only blocked attacks..." She muttered out, not looking back

Shinazugawa sighed "Without you, we wouldn't have come here... You did more than block attacks"

Kirumi didn't say anything back, she just walked away from the room, and then, the house


"Caw! Lower moon 1 has been defeated by Shinazugawa and Kirumi! Caw!"

A warm, gentle smile appeared on the Master's face while Suki stood on his hand

"I'm glad... My children have defeated another demon from the twelve Kisuki..." the Master paused

"I knew they would do a good team..."

Taisho era secret

▪︎ Suki was very glad when Kirumi and Sanemi were able to locate the demon.


So, I hope this isn't so bad, because I have no experience in writing fight scenes, so let's hope it is fine

Also! the next chapter will most probably be the last chapter of this arc and then, we'll be moving onto the "Teruko Kirumi arc"

Woohoo! I'm excited for it 🦭

Anyway, thank you for reading! 🤗

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