CHAPTER 20: "No matter how hard"

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Word count: 1009


"Don't give up... You will only have one chance... You either win or lose... You either live or die... You either give your best or you give up"


Kirumi was making sure the sashes wouldn't get to the Sound Hashira and the hanafuda earrings boy

She had nothing else to do in here more than try to protect those two

The demon wasn't attacking her, she was no one's target

Kirumi should've liked this, she should've been fine with it

But oddly enough, she was actually bothered by it

And she had no idea of why it bothered her

It couldn't be because she felt understimated

It couldn't be because she wanted to fight someone

It couldn't be because she wanted to look and be stronger

... Right?


"Huh? Why are you running away?" Kirumi asked as she ran after a demon

"Wait! Come back here!"

Kirumi jumped into the air before kicking the demon on its back, throwing them to the floor

"Why are you running away? It's not demon-like for you to leave a fight" The 8 year old said while pointing her sword towards the demon

"You're no match for me! Idiot!" The demon shouted out before sending an attack towards the young girl

Kirumi jumped back and smiled "Then there's no reason to run away, is there?"

"Stupid! I am not running away from you-"

"Water breathing: First form: Water Surface Slash"

Kirumi dashed at the demon as she swung her sword, aimed at the demon's neck

The demon was going to attack, but for some reason, it just held a terrified expression as it got decapitated by Kirumi

"Ha! I won! I am stronger than you! Accept it!"


Kirumi dodged the many attacks both demons were throwing

That was everything she could do. Injurying herself would only give more work to the others

Well, that was if she didn't injure herself enough to have no other option more than dying

So... she fought till death... Or she dodged everything to not be a burden

And in this case... Dying seemed like the most viable option

"Light Breathing: Second form: Raid Strikes"

Kirumi slashed the demon's sashes before she was pushed back by a strong force

The whole city was even more destroyed now

Kirumi stood back up before running towards where there was more movement

She held tightly onto her sword while following the movements, the sounds, and the light

The three boys were handling the demon sister. She needed to focus on the other and inflict some damage

She needed to do something useful

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