CHAPTER 17: Yoshiwara

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Word count: 1001

ℝ𝕖𝕕 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕥 𝕒𝕣𝕔

"Caw! Caw! Head to Yoshiwara! Caw!"

Kirumi stared at her crow for a little more time than usual

"Yoshiwara?... Why am I supposed to go there?"

"New mission! The sound Hashira will be meeting you there" Suki announced

Kirumi sighed to herself, this must probably mean the pairs have changed

She didn't have much problem with that. The problem was the location she had to go to

She, of course, didn't want to go there, it reminded her of how terrible this world was

But well, she had no option, she needed to follow orders...


Kirumi walked through the enormous crowd, her eyes trailing to some of the houses

She wanted to not be seen, to not be noticed and to pass as invisible

Because, to be truthful, the desperate houses' owners would ask every single girl they see, to go with them

Of course, her wishes were not heard as some women did go to her

Kirumi just denied as fast as possibble, she really hated that she had a mission here...


And it didn't make it any better when she got to know that it wasn't even an order from the Master, but, it was a request from the Sound Hashira

Kirumi had nothing against him, although, she was starting to

She really wished she would've got paired with someone else. Anyone, except Katzuki, would've been fine

Like, literally anyone would've been fine

And, the problem wasn't really the person, the problem, was the mission, and it's location

"Shut up!"

Kirumi looked back at the other people, one was almost knocked down, but the other two looked fine

They had been "discussing" about the mission

Kirumi took a look at the letters that were spread all over the floor, her gaze went to each one of them as she tried to make some sense of this

If those girl were as trained as the Hashira said they were, and if this had something to do with demons, then, this couldn't be any demon

It had to be one of the twelve Kizuki, if it was any other demon then the other Hashira was lying about his wives' abilities


It all came to one thing. The sound Hashira would make the other three boys get infitrated in the houses

Meanwhile, him, and Kirumi would be investigating from the outside


It had been a week ever since they arrived to this place

It's not like Kirumi wished for death, but she really did wish the demon, or his wives, would appear once and for all

"Zenitsu has dissapeared"

Kirumi had no idea who that was, but it, of course, had to be one of the boys

She was starting to get frustrated, this was supposed to be fast

This was supposed to be a one-night mission like every other mission

Kirumi spent another day, searching for any type of clues about the dissapearence of the Sound Hashira's wives and of the boy called Zenitsu

But, throughout the day, she found nothing. Everything was going just fine

She sensed no danger, there were no sudden changes, it was just too calm


Kirumi was, currently, in the wisteria house, hearing what the Sound Hashira had found out

And Kirumi wasn't that surprised when he said he told the other slayers to drop the mission

It was the smartest thing to do, if the demon was in one of thouse houses, they were in great danger

"I will go pay a visit to Zenitsu's and Hinatsuru's house's owner" He then turned around and gazed at her "While you will keep investigating from afar"

Kirumi brieftly nodded her head as she walked out of the wisteria house

She was tired of this... Of going out without getting anything back, there was no purpose of doing this anymore

It was getting really frustrating. She wanted to kill someone, she had no patience left... Like always


"How much time will this last? We're just going back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth-"

"I understand, I understand, but you have to understand. We're not just going back and forth"

Kirumi looked up at her big sister with a small pout "You said we were gonna do something fun!"

Katzuki laughed at that and rolled her eyes "It's midnight Kirumi, I want you to use your energy so you can sleep" She explained while she crouched down infront of Kirumi

"It's still not fair- Hey!" Kirumi stopped mid-sentece when Katzuki rubbed her head, messing it up


"Let me go!" Kirumi tried to leave the kakushi's grasp on her wrist as she tried walk towards the injured people

"Kirumi-" The kakushi tightly closed her eyes as Kirumi had literally left her grasp and lost balance

A second later, the kakushi immediately went to her side, panicking "Kirumi-chan, are you alright? Did you get hurt? I should take you to-"

"I'm alright!" The little girl said as she stood up and walked towards one unconcious slayer

"Kirumi-chan" The kakushi picked Kirumi up and kept a tight grip on her "Time to go home" The kakushi struggled through her words because of Kirumi's constant squirming

The little girl was about to kick the kakushi away, she was getting impatient, she wanted to help

The girl filled her lungs with air "I will kill you!" Kirumi screamed out to the kakushi, her eyes tightly closed and her body still trying to squirm away from the kakushi's arms

"Kirumi-chan!" The kakushi struggled trying to keep Kirumi in place, she literally felt like a mom with an hyperactive kid

Kirumi snapped out of her thoughts as she walked through an alley way

There was no one around, although the place wasn't exactly dark

It was unusual for the place to be so peaceful and calm...

Too unusual...

"Finally... A Hashira~"

Taisho era secret

▪︎ Kirumi may or may not have injured a couple of kakushis during her stay in the water estate

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