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Word count: 835


Sorry for taking soooo long 😢


"Do you think you can help?"

Kirumi's breathing was heavy, she felt like she was gonna pass out from what she was looking at

"W-why...?" Kirumi couldn't say anything, she felt completely weak, disgusted, confused... and scared

"I found them Kirumi! I found them! Aren't you happy for us?" Katzuki said, as if she had just done the most amazing thing in the World

Kirumi was trembling, she didn't know if she was scared or anything, she just knew it didn't feel good

"Now, don't plan in attacking, you know we all can stop you, right?"

Kirumi tried her best to stay calm, although, it was a really hard task for her

But she knew Katzuki was right

She couldn't beat them...

"We reunited! I thought we would never be together again, but I found them!"

Katzuki looked and sounded extremely excited and happy for what she had done

"This... this is against the corps rules" Kirumi said while looking straight at the other two figures

"I know that, Kirumi, but... This has happened once, I am sure that we can make this-"

"I am not helping you... I don't know why you think that"

"Because you don't care... Which means, you can give me a hand"

"If I don't care, why would I help you?" Kirumi was slowly starting to get anxious about this whole situation her sister wanted to involve her in

"Because... walking away means you did something worse than lying" Katzuki had a slight smirk on her face while saying that sentence

"I don't care... This is your problem not mine-"

"Kirumi... A family shares its problems" A familiar voice, interrupted Kirumi

"Shut up... None of you are my family" Kirumi firmly said, not even daring to look at that figure

"Then try to kill us... I'd like to see how... unfamiliar we are to you... Kirumi" Kirumi's breath hitched when she heard that

She really tried... She really tried to unsheath her sword and fight... But she couldn't...

She couldn't do anything


"Dad?... Is that you?"

"Oh, Katzuki... Yeah... It is me... I guess you finally made a decision"

"Mmh, I guess I'm fine with... this"

"That's good to know, Katzuki..."

"Did you search for your sister?"

"No, I don't really care where she is right now... The only thing I want is for her to never come back"

"Mmh... I guess you're right... By the way... Aren't you gonna get in trouble?"

"Because of you?... Well, I would only get in trouble if I tell anyone... And that's not gonna happen, so I'm fine"

"That's good to know..."

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